Custom Header

sorry, oke in the meen time i found time and had a look how this system works, I mest up the UI but think that now Im getting their:

  compact_mode: true
    - conditions:
        user: Tablet
        background: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0)'
        hide_help: true
        menu_dropdown: true
        show_tabs: true
        default_tab: '5'
        hide_tabs: '1 to 9, 0, home'
        kiosk_mode: true
    - conditions:
        user: Tablet
        user_agent: Mobile
        media_query: '(max-width: 600px)'
        footer_mode: true
        reverse_button_direction: true
        reverse_tab_direction: true
    - conditions:
        query_string: kiosk
        kiosk_mode: true
title: UI

@mayker tnx for the help

Welcome back, hope your RL situation has calmed down a little, and all your family is well and healthy! :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Things are still crazy, but starting to ease up a bit. Weā€™re all fairly stressed, but doing well.

We all can only hope, that things ease up soon. Unfortunately i wouldnā€™t bet on that! Stay safe in these uncertain times! :slight_smile:

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Custom Header does not seem to work with HA 0.110.0 - No header showing - Had to use 1?disable_ch to restore original header.

Thereā€™s already an open issue.

Custom Header is not 0.110 ready yet. Hoping to have it updated soon. Hang tight and thank you.


Initial 0.110 fixes are up. Itā€™s labeled as a pre-release so you will need to ā€œshow betaā€ in HACS


Made a full release 1.4.0 as some were having issues with ā€œshow betaā€. This release fixes the button text issue, but also includes an error when viewing a non-lovelace page (itā€™s just an error, shouldnā€™t effect anything): Cannot read property 'lovelace' of null. I am aware of it and it is already fixed for the next release, but I donā€™t want to push a full release with just that fix. Thereā€™s a handful of other things Iā€™m working on and Iā€™m sure more will come up.


Getting only this kind of error

Cannot read property 'lovelace' of null

and when viewing non-lovelace page, it will move my header from top to bottom, just to let you know :slight_smile:

1 Like

Anyone else seeing this behavior after the update 0.110 and latest fix 1.4.0?


    options: >-
      {{ hours24 }}:{{ minutesLZ }} - {{ dayNameShort }}. {{ dayNum }}. {{
      monthNameShort }} {{ year4d }} - <ha-icon icon='mdi:weather-{% if
      is_state("weather.dark_sky", "partlycloudy") -%}partly-cloudy{%- else
      -%}{{ states('weather.dark_sky')}}{%- endif %}'></ha-icon>
      {{ }}Ā°

did you even read the post above yoursā€¦

I think this is the essential part of his post.
Same issue here.

I am sure Ryan is on it.

btw, what is a non-lovelace page?

Dev Tools, Configuration, ā€¦

o, I see, thanks.

1.3.9 works, but you need to find the invisible icon. :face_with_monocle:


itā€™s just an error, shouldnā€™t effect anything

so i let him know it effect anything

Everything that you canā€™t customize. :joy:

I installed it to check if it happened here too, but only thing see in inspector is this:

TypeError: null is not an object (near '...ha-panel-lovelace").lovelace,!t)return;...')

on loading developer , and no issue with the headerā€¦

of course thereā€™s the odd:

but that has been there for a very long time now, nothing to do with ha 110.

letā€™s let Ryan get to grips with this, positive heā€™ll fix it asap for him.