Custom HVAC integration supporting equipment diagnostic alerts

The Lennox S30 hvac controller can report a rich set of diagnostic alerts which are categorized by urgency (critical, high, …). According to the maintenance manual and dependent on what physical equipment is installed - there are several hundred different alerts - from low priority “change the air filter”, to critical - “condensation water leak”. Each alerts has a unique alert id/code

It’d be nice to see a list of active alerts in Lovelace.

So as part of the next version I want to make this information available in HA and am looking for examples and patterns for integrating. Here are a couple I’m considering:

  1. Generate Events. Essentially fire HA events when the alert occurs, clears, etc. Disadvantage is it creates lots of custom config - to display these etc.
  2. Sensors. Create a sensor per alert code. Put the messages in the value and use attributes to track state. Or use binary sensors per alert code to track state and put the message in the attributes. Disadvantage is hundreds of sensor objects.
  3. Counters. Create sensor per alert priority and provide total counts of active alerts and combine the message together into a JSON doc as an attribute.

I could do combinations of these. None seem a perfect solution. Other options?