Hi, I have just started using HA…what a great project! Thanks for starting it! I’m using a Controllino (a PLC based on Arduino) to control light/rollers in my home. I was able to connect controllino with HA using MQTT following the examples and tutorials. Everything work fine.
Now I’d like to customize the icon of the MQTT switches and I have tried something simialr:
but it doesn’t work, when I include the last row “icon: …” all the mqtt switches disappear from the view and in the log file I found:
16-05-20 14:51:51 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [switch.mqtt]: [icon] is an invalid option for [switch.mqtt]. Check: switch.mqtt->icon.
Any hint on how to set a custom icon for a MQTT switch? Is it possible?
Thanks for any comments!
Ok thanks, I overlooked that the “customize:” section has to go under the “homeassistant:” section. Now with this properly set it works fine. Anyhow, it seems not possible to specify the “icon:” field within the switch element. Thanks for the support
Did you try entity_picture instead? Icons should work in switch elements; the example page actually shows them in use. But you could also try the entity_picture property.
Hi Luigi, it’s not right to the topic but can you please help me with Controllino connection to HA? Where did you find the examples and tutorials? Thanks