Custom icons for HA weather card not showing

Hi everyone,

Im very new to HA and slowly learning my way around. I am trying to get my custom weather icons to show with the default weather app but for some reason they are not showing.

I have created an images folder at this location with a test icon in it


In my theme i have used the variable stated in the docs

  # Weather
  --weather-icon-cloudy: url("/local/images/cloudy.png")

When i add the default weather card it still shows the standard cloudy icon (which is the current weather it states)

Have i missed something here?

Appreciate any advice

Thank you

Try /local/www/images.


It doesn’t work i’m afraid, i was under the impression that ‘local’ is an alias for ‘www’ i may be wrong though.

Sorted it, i added the '--' on the variable in my theme file when it should just be

weather-icon-cloudy: url("/local/images/cloudy.png")


--weather-icon-cloudy: url("/local/images/cloudy.png")

To help others you can use card mod and use this code if you dont want to change in the theme. Atleast it worked with my own svg icons.
style: |
:host {
–weather-icon-clear-night: url(“/local/XXXX/.svg”);