Custom Icons not staying

I have installed some Sonoff r2 Mini Switches attached to some standard light sockets, all are working well.
The default icon for these in lovelace is a lighting bolt.
i’ve editied the icons using the GUI
which added
in configuration.yaml

customize: !include customize.yaml

in customize.yaml

icon: hass:lightbulb

this applies the light bulb icon, however whenever I reload the web page the icons revert back to the lighting bolt. Going back into editing and just clicking save (with no adjustments) will re-affirm the change but i have to do this for each bulb.

New to home assistant but quick to learn if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Home assistant Vs Core-2021.10.6, OS6.6



Hi there,

Try the following in customize.yaml

  icon: mdi:lightulb

Also try refreshing the cache with CTRL+F5

I tried this thank you any they kept for a few days but I’ve just gone to check again and they have reverted back to the lightening bolt. Any other suggestions?



I have solved this.
I re-write the sonoff device for lan setting in the configuration and removed a section for the ewwlink which was added by the ewelink integration. Thus solved the issue for me.