Custom integration: Kramer media switches

I just published the first version of my Kramer Electronics custom integration.

Kramer makes commercial video switches (e.g., VS-161H) that can sometimes be found cheap on eBay. These devices can be particularly useful in extensive gaming setups with more inputs required than even high-end receivers support.

The integration allows Home Assistant to control Kramer media switches using Protocol 2000 over TCP via a MediaPlayer entity.

It’s currently installable manually or via HACS custom repository. I’ll submit it to HACS proper if there’s broader interest.

I hope somebody else finds it useful. Feedback, and issues welcome!

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Thanks a lot for the share, I work myself on developing an integration for similar products.
I tried to use your integration with a Kramer VS311HDMI that is Protocol 2000 compatible. I can setup the integration without problem but it doesn’t control anything ! When I try to select a different input switcher doesn’t change of state (I have disabled on Kramer the automatic input switching !).
It doesn’t log anything in HA logs. Needs something to debug the problem ?
Side note: it detects properly the Kramer model in the integration even if control doesn’t work !

3x1 Media Switch
par Kramer

Unfortunately, given that switch’s inputs, it’s likely to function like a matrix switch (it supports HDMI-in x3, S/PDIF-in x3, and 2.5mm-in x3). That means controlling it would require specifying which of those various inputs should be enabled. The current implementation only works with non-matrix-ed video switches, since I don’t have access to a more complicated switch to test with.

It’s definitely possible, but would require extending kessler-av, and then likely an entity implementation more similar to the Monoprice Blackbird integration. To debug what’s going on, I’d start with just kessler-av to see what Protocol 2000 commands it needs to issue to get the switch to change. It’s likely going to require command 2 SWITCH AUDIO, or possibly configuring the switch for Audio-Follow-Video via command 8 (BREAKAWAY SETTING.)

If you’d like to contribute to either kessler-av (which handles the device communication) or this integration, I’m definitely open to it. Either way, best of luck with your effort!

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