Custom Integration: Linksys Velop

2022.5.1 is now out.

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Which app is that?

@uvjim, I don’t know that have I missed something, but the whole mesh reboot button has been omitted from the integration by default, because I cannot find it? There are only reboot buttons available for the child nodes and I cannot find any for the parent or for the mesh itself.
Thanks in advance!

I use Network Analyzer App

There’s an option to see UPnP and Bonjour information so I can see if services are being announced. I’m travelling at the moment so can’t screenshot that for you.

No. You’re not missing anything. Each child node can be rebooted using a button. However, to reboot the primary node you’ll need to use a service call (realised that I haven’t documented that). You should be able to see it in HASS Developer Tools.

You’ll need to ensure the checkbox is selected because rebooting a primary also reboots all children.

What I didn’t want was for people to accidentally reboot a mesh when they only wanted to reboot a child node.

I’ll document the service in the README at some point.

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Thanks! OK, I’ve got that. Otherwise it could have been part of the Mesh.
The service is not really clear for me, as when I tried, it asked me to select the Mesh, but the node selection part was not offering any nodes when it was clicked on, and I have no clue which entity should be placed there.

Yup. That’s why it needs documenting.
The integration allows multiple instances so their could be multiple meshes. So for mesh just select the mesh that you want to target.

The Node is just a text string at the moment (I’ll update that soon to make it easier), but you should just need to type the name of the node you want to reboot - so to reboot the whole mesh target the primary node.

The checkbox should be selected if it is the primary node and is ignored if the node is a child node.

The service can be tidied up a bit in a later release because I should now be able to work out the mesh from the node if an entity picker is used for the node.

N.B. Is Primary should be selected and the toggle turned on for a primary node.

I’ve got the multiple Mesh part. I was just not clear what the node should be. No issue then, now I know what to put there. But indeed it is a bit confusing.

Thanks for the help!

I did think about putting a button on the mesh but that lends itself to being accidentally pressed and restarting the whole mesh without realising. I want to avoid that if possible.

Completely agree on that. I don’t use it often so haven’t had to revisit it. I’ll try and take a look to see if it can be made less confusing.

Documenting it might help though. :joy:

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2022.5.3b0 is out: -

Breaking Change

The format of the devices attribute for the offline sensor is now an object containing properties rather than a list of names. This may affect any automations/scripts/templates that you may have written.


Anybody? Nobody? Dust…

I rolled back my firmware to on my MX5300 nodes and all issue seems to be solved.

The next firmware was released in October 2021, which was my other suspect, screwing up communication between the Google Home devices. Might be coincidence, but the devices can communicate without any issue with the rolled back firmware. Anybody experienced similar?

Hi All,

Not sure what I’m doing wrong here. I followed this instruction → GitHub - AdamNaj/linksys_velop: The linksys_velop platform allows for presence detection by listing devices connected to your Linksys Velop router.
I’m on the latest HACS and HA. Able to install linksys velop via HACS, but after putting the details in my configuration.yaml, it failed to compiled it all the time.
Anyone got any ideas where I might be doing wrong?

The error says that it’s missing linksys_velop integration, but when I go to integration, I cannot find linksys to install.

@drumstick77 - this thread is not for that integration. The integration for this thread is linked to in the first post.


apologies :confounded: a bit of a newbie.
I will try to add your custom repository and go from there. Cheers

No problem. Thinks can be daunting when you’re getting started.

Ok, So I’ve now installed it but it kept going offline and back online again.
it started doing this since I kicked off speedtest.

also, would the result of the speedtest be as one of the entities that i can put on dashboard?

The README details the sensors and their attributes but also has an example UI that you can use. The entities shouldn’t be going unavailable mind you. Did you remove the linksys_velop section from your YAML as that won’t be required and I’ve never tested to see what happens if there is one there?

I see that that “unavailable” fairly regularly too. Lasts a few seconds and then comes back…not really an issue for me so haven’t looked into it.

Mesh network seems fairly stable (doesn’t drop pings, etc) so thought it just something with HA :thinking:

@uvjim yes I have removed it as that’s not part of this integration.

but seems like @Gav_in is also having similar issues.

and when I say “issues” I’m not sure if this is what it meant to do… :confused:

in saying that however - it seems to be stable for the last hour. seems like it might do the flip flop right after speedtest. I will try it again in a bit and update