[Custom Integration] Rental Control - for AirBnB, VRBO, etc

Version v0.5.6 is now out. It adds in door code generation in 3 different ways along with making it easy to identify the guest.

This version still does not control the lock nor does it yet give a way to update the check-in/out times of a single event.

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Version v0.7.5-beta is now out. Please note that this definitely a beta release. I’ve already found at least one bug related to the upgrade requiring a couple of restarts and re-configurations of components.

That being said, I would like for willing folks to pick it up and give me feedback.

This version brings in the long-awaited feature to actually control lock slots. Please see the release notes and integration info on all the features.

And a follow on to yesterday’s announcment:

v0.7.5 is now out. I’ve corrected the upgrade problem.

Along with the lock management feature, Booking.com is now supported as an imported calendar and VRBO calendars have been fixed. I found that they had stopped working correctly with changes that went in for v0.7.1

I’ve been pondering the ETA field available on the sensors. Currently it’s an ETA in days and I realized yesterday the logic is such that the day of check-in ETA == 1, when it really should be 0.

I’m thinking of breaking that up into three distinct fields:
Eta days == Number of whole days until the event starts
Eta Hours == Number of whole hours until the event starts
Eta minutes == Number of whole minutes until the event starts

These would all go to None instead of negative as it currently does.

Any thoughts or comments? Is this even a useful feature? Should I just pull it out since it’s something that folks can generate from a template on their own?

Would you prefer an extra sensor that is just an ETA sensor to the next event start?

Thank you for this wonderful integration. I"m new to this Vacation rental game and got my first reservation today and the integration scheduled the code slot just fine. This is so awesome. Thank you so much

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I just started using this (finally!) after you solved my problem here:

Airbnb automation (dynamic calendars based on guests)

Just came here to say a huge thankyou for this - it’s really great :slight_smile: I currently don’t use the key codes portion of it (just as a ‘calendar’ plus using future events) but I imagine I will in the future. The fact that it sidesteps my previous middle man of google calendar is even more awesome!

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Glad you like it :slight_smile: your thread was a great jumping off point for me to get folks using it :wink:

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Not sure if this is related to the latest release or not but all of my entities are now showing up as unavailable.
I’ve had it regenerate the files a few times but no love. The only thing I haven’t attempted to do was to remove the integration and then redo it, but it the same thing shows up for VRBO and Booking as well.

EDIT: Nevermind for some reason my pfsense decided it was a good time to start blocking things from HA. Ugh

Happy you resolved it. I was getting worried I was going a bit crazy as I haven’t seen that except for when I break it during development :wink:

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Ok qq is there anything special I need to do if I’m using multiple rental sites for the same listing?
My airbnb config works great and all of the entities are enabled perfectly.

For VRBO and Booking they both look like this
and for VRBO since I finally got my first booking here I can see that the calendar entity does see the upcoming reservation

but no matter what I do the other entities will not become available. I’ve dug through the logs to try and find anything that explains why, but there is nothing in the logs specific to vrbo except 1 item where it couldn’t reach www.vrbo.com but I also see that occasionally for airbnb and booking as well. But since my aribnb booking works flawless.
For VRBO the ical link defaults to http not https so I tried to use that but the configurator says the URL must be https and it looks like doing a curl on the https works just fine so no big deal there. Maybe I just overlooked something in the docs about how to do multiple sites with 1 listing. Ugh, thanks for your help if you chime in before I get this resolved :slight_smile:

So a couple of questions:

  1. Are you driving keymaster slots with this these?
  2. what version are you using?

The latest version of the integration will set the sensors and mapping sensor to unavailable if you are driving keymaster slots and the startup events do not properly fire. Those should properly map into your environment as long as you have your packages directory properly configured (defaults to the same base location that keymaster uses).

Oh, and I should add. Yes, this works perfectly well with multiple instances of the integration installed.

I have 3 separate properties that I monitor from my home HA without driving keymaster slots.

My residence has 3 rooms on Airbnb, each of those rooms has it’s own smart lock. So, for the front lock, I’ve got 3 instances installed that drive a subset of lock slots and then 3 more of the same calendars that drive lock slots on the specific doors.

So, my HA instance is currently running 9 copies of the integration :wink:

Hey there @tykeal yes I am driving keymaster slots because well KM rocks the casba. Looks like I"m on version 0.7.5 according to HACS
My config shows
packages: !include_dir_named packages/
Keymaster is working just fine and so is the airbnb rental control. Its just the others that have some issues. Is there a way to manually fire those startup events?

Showing my airbnb entities

Just for clarity, you’re not trying to drive the same KM slots with these different installs are you? That would be a very much unsupported configuration :wink:

For troubleshooting, first thing to do is check and make sure that all of the automations registered correctly.

Go to your automation dashboard and then put ‘Rental Control’ in the search box to filter to just the RC automations. You should find 4 automations per installation of the integration that is driving keyslots

Ummm they might be trying to drive the same slots, ugh I’ll go modify my KM and add more slots to this lock and then give each integration a range to use just to ensure that there is no conflicts. I’m going to kick myself in the butt if this is the cause.

You should definitely give each one it’s own range. I haven’t seen a smart lock yet that didn’t support at least 30 slots. I do the following on my locks:

Slot 1 - 5 (or 1 - 10 depending) are dedicated to static codes. These are the ones I directly manage.

For each RC that needs to drive slots you should have a minimum of 2 slots dedicated, the default is 5. The reason for the minimum is for those cases where you have a guest leaving and one coming on the same day, you need to cover for that because RC won’t clear the slot of a guest until the event is in the prior day (00:00 local time) so you need to have a slot for the guest that’s coming as well.

Ok got that and set the lock to 25 codes (it can go up to 200 but yeah no need for that type of nonsense)

Ok so when running the automation to update vrbo I get this

2022-09-22 15:54:53.654 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.rental_control_update_vrbo] Rental Control - Update vrbo: Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 2: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'base' is undefined
2022-09-22 15:54:53.669 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.rental_control_update_vrbo] Error while executing automation automation.rental_control_update_vrbo: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'base' is undefined

Going to bounce my HA and see what comes from having it all fresh now. I know that between KM and RC I shouldn’t have to but we’ll see what happens with a nice fresh load

Probably wise. Also, what version of KM are you on? When was the last time you regenerated your KM configuration?

I ask because base is an automation variable the gets set depending on a few things that are dependent 100% on the name of the KM entity triggered the automation to fire.