Custom integration slow update


I’m basic on programming and first time dealing with python language. Following some integration examples I got my old automation system to work with Home Assistant.

The problem is when I turn on a light from Home Assistant the, the light effectively goes on immediately but the icon takes some seconds until change it’s state. I think this is related with “DataUpdateCoordinator”, but not sure.

What I would like to have is the status changed immediately on “turn_on” and “turn_off” commands and let the device status follow the normal update later, changing the status if necessary.

I think it should be related with this excerpt of my code:

class MDLight(Light):
    """ Provides a Mordomus light. """

    def __init__(self, coordinator, name, device_id, is_dimmable, mordomusconnect):
        self._name = name
        self._coordinator = coordinator
        self._device_id = device_id
        self._state = None 
        self._brightness = 255 
        self._is_dimmable = is_dimmable
        self._mdconnect = mordomusconnect

    def supported_features(self):
        """Flag supported features."""
        features = 0
        if self._is_dimmable:
            features += SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS
        return features

    def should_poll(self):
        """ No polling needed for a Mordomus light. """
        return False
    def unique_id(self):
        """ Returns the unique_id of the Mordomus light. """
        return 'mordomus.' + str(self._device_id).lower()

    def name(self):
        """ Returns the name of the Mordomus light. """
        return self._name

    def brightness(self):
        """ Brightness of this light between 0..255. """ 
        return self._brightness

    def is_on(self):
        """ True if the Mordomus light is on. """

    def available(self):
        """Return if entity is available."""
        return self._coordinator.last_update_success

    async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs):
        """ Turn the Mordomus light on. """
        brightness_value = 255
        if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs:
            self._brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS]
        brightness_value = calculate_brightness(self._brightness)
        url = "" % (self._device_id, brightness_value)      "Turn_ON %s" % (await self._mdconnect.send_command(url)))
        #await self._coordinator.async_request_refresh() 
        #self._state =[self._device_id]['state']

    async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs):
        """ Turn the Mordomus light off. """
        url = "" % (self._device_id)"Turn_OFF %s" % (await self._mdconnect.send_command(url)))
        #await self._coordinator.async_request_refresh()
        #self._state =[self._device_id]['state']

    async def async_added_to_hass(self):
        """When entity is added to hass."""

    async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self):
        """When entity will be removed from hass."""

    async def async_update(self):
        """Update the entity."""
        #self._state =[self._device_id]['state']

I appreciate any suggestion.