Custom Integration: Volkswagen WeConnect ID (Europe)

I couldn’t find it in HACS either, although I’ve since removed HACS.

You can install it manually, it’s dead easy, using the code from Mitch’s GitHub repository. He posted a link previously,but there are slightly newer releases listed on GitHub too, I’ve linked the latest below.

Thanks I will try that.

I recommend using HACS, it keeps track of my updates and bugfixes.
The reason you can’t see it is because you did not add my repo:

Add the following url:

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This was why I couldn’t install it. Thank you!!

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Any ideas if this will work with a Cupra Born?

thanks so much for building this integration!

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I don’t think so… Seat is using a different app.

Enjoy it :wink:

Hopefully they release 3.1 next week and we get more functions from the API and APP!

Yeah they do use a different one and it’s only the Born using it so far… I’m going to try it out and then maybe I’ll fork your repo and see if I can get it working with the Born.

I’m facing an ‘unexpected error’ when i fill in my username & password (which are 100% valid)… I tried re-installing, rebooting and clearing the browser cache… what did i miss (i installed via HACS)

With the latest updates I get all data as unavailable at the moment, any ideas? It was working perfectly recently.

New HA user here, installed 2022.4 and upgraded to 2022.5.2, installed this integration via HACS and getting the same “Unexpected error” as Rhndy here. Any ideas?

I updated HA today, and this evening I noticed that my VW integration is down. Checked the logs:
2022-06-15 14:04:41 WARNING (SyncWorker_4) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration volkswagen_we_connect_id which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2022-06-15 14:05:08 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error setting up entry Volkswagen We Connect ID for volkswagen_we_connect_id
File “/config/custom_components/volkswagen_we_connect_id/”, line 40, in async_setup_entry

Can I bypass this warning manually or something?

Wow, only me that having problems with this component?

Seat is using a different app.

This is true, but the authentication for this app is still through and the Born and ID.3 are basically the same car. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if, under the skin, the “My Cupra” app was using the exact same APIs as the VW “We Connect ID” app…

I am seeing a strange effect after charging my ID.3, exposed by this HA integration.

During charging the “range in miles” is showing perfectly OK, and is what I would expect.
As soon as charging is complete, the “range in miles” drops, as seen below.


This may be a coincidence, but the range in miles should be 224 miles at this point (charged to 80%). But it has dropped to a 140 in the sensor - 140 miles is 224 KM !!!
Is there a unit conversion issue somewhere?

The “range in KM” has dropped by the same amount.
As soon as I go to the EV, and switch it on, the figure updates to the expected 224 value.

NB: This is likely an API issue, and not an integration issue, as the WeConnectID app also incorrectly shows 140 after charging.

Where can we report API / App issues to VW?

More on the above, I’ve found the range_in_miles to go wrong a few times. It seem to be only accurate if the EV is “on” or “charging”. So I’ve worked around it with the following tempate sensor, which may be of use to others.

    - name: ev_real_miles
      state: >
        {% if is_state("sensor.ev_real_miles", "unavailable" ) or
              is_state("sensor.ev_real_miles", "unknown" ) %}
          {% set fallback = states("sensor.ev_range_in_miles")  %}
        {% else %}
          {% set fallback  = this.state %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if is_state("sensor.ev_charging_state", "unavailable" ) or
              is_state("binary_sensor.ev_car_is_active", "unavailable" ) or
              is_state("sensor.ev_range_in_miles", "unavailable" ) %}
          {{ fallback }}
        {% else %}
           {% if is_state("binary_sensor.ev_car_is_active", "on" ) or
                 is_state("sensor.ev_charging_state", "charging" ) %} 
             {{ states("sensor.ev_range_in_miles") }}
           {% else %}
             {{ fallback }}
           {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
      state_class: measurement
      icon: 'mdi:map-marker-distance'
      unit_of_measurement: 'miles'


Having issues with upgrading from 0.9 of this add on to 0.11 or 0.12. Basically I receive the following error when HA is restarted:

Setup failed for custom integration volkswagen_we_connect_id: Requirements for volkswagen_we_connect_id not found: [‘weconnect==0.45.0’].

I rolled back to 0.9 (had to delete and re-add the integration) and it’s working again. Tried the update for a second time and still no joy. Any thoughts?

Just going back to my own troubles here. I see that the requirements for 0.12 are 2022.7, I’m still on 2022.6 so that’s likely part of my problem. But I’m having trouble with even 0.9. Currently I’ve reverted to 0.8.4 where I was before and it seems to be stable again. I see there are bumps to “We connect” in the release paths, are these tied in with the software version in the car by any chance?

thank you for a great working integration!
I’m looking for stats that you can lookup in the car, e.g. power consumption per km and such.
Are those values not part of the API?