Custom integrations 2021.6 Stopped working

Hi All

I’ve just upgraded to 2021.6 and my custom integrations have stopped working. I can see this is mentioned in breaking changes from the release notes but i’m not too sure what I have to do to fix it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Did all custom integrations break? Or just some of them.

Any integration that doesn’t have a version number included in the manifest file will not be loaded.


I only have two and they both broke.

Can I just add a line with a version number to get them working again?

Yes, the line looks like this:

"version": "1.2.3",

thanks, I will try this

Does it matter which line on the manifest file?

No, just make sure that you use a trailing comma if it’s in the middle and don’t use one if it’s the last entry. Stick what I gave you in the middle somewhere and you’ll be fine.

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If they have a manifest file then yes adding a version will make them work again.

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thanks for helping all. Much appreciated