Custom light effects?

Is there a way to create your own light effects ? I specifically want a light to vary in brightness very subtle so that it looks lke a candle.

Maybe such an effect already exists?

I’ve also been looking for something like this. The Phillips Hue lights have a really nice colorloop effect but my current Zigbee bulbs don’t. I’m using Node-Red to pull this off right now, but it’s not ideal, imo.

Part of the issue that I can see with this is the amount of traffic needed to talk to the bulbs to make them change frequently can be overwhelming for many zigbee (and even some wifi) networks.

The candle effect is a really cool idea, though. My suggestion would be to use the new script loop function to set a brightness, delay, repeat. If you do that about 5 times, the repeats don’t be as noticeable.

However, this is still a script. I’d love to be able to define an effect that could be defined in a single service call, but I’m not sure if that’s possible. Many of these bulbs do the effects onboard, unfortunately.

Of another User! edited for my needs

alias: 3drt Color Mode Automation
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.colors_mode
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - alias: Repeat this until the boolean is turned off
        - service: light.turn_on
            entity_id: light.3drt_luz_rgbw_lado_direito
            brightness: '{{ (range(15, 60)|random) }}'
              - '{{ range(0,256) | random }}'
              - '{{ range(0,256) | random }}'
              - '{{ range(0,256) | random }}'
            transition: 1
        - delay:
            milliseconds: '{{ (range(200, 700)|random) }}'
        - service: light.turn_on
            entity_id: light.3drt_luz_rgbw_lado_esquerdo
            brightness: '{{ (range(15, 60)|random) }}'
              - '{{ range(0,256) | random }}'
              - '{{ range(0,256) | random }}'
              - '{{ range(0,256) | random }}'
            transition: 1
        - delay:
            milliseconds: '{{ (range(1500, 2000)|random) }}'
        - condition: state
          entity_id: input_boolean.colors_mode
          state: 'off'
mode: single
initial_state: 'on'


Actually with philips hue all the effects are defined on the bridge or even phone. Afterwards color changes with transition times are sent over phone -> bridge -> bulb. So there is absolutely no problem in scripting custom effects. I just thought there would be a more HA native way of doing this.

can you show me your input_boolean.colors_mode? would be interesting to know what’s in there

ive stopped using this long time ago… i dont remember sorry

  name: Colors Mode
  icon: mdi:PartyPopper
  initial: off

I think it must have looked something like this =)
thank you anyway for answering me

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