Custom light-popup-card

Hello, maybe someone can help me.
On the right card (button-card) i can put the shadow, but on the left card (light-popup-card) i can’t.
The objective would be the light-popup-card show the shadow according to the state. I’ve read the card documentation and I can’t do it, does anyone know to?


Code of light-popup-card:

type: custom:light-popup-card
entity: light.candeeiro_sala
icon: mdi:lightbulb
hideState: null
sliderColor: var(--accent-color)
brightnessHeight: 140px
brightnessWidth: 50px
sliderThumbColor: var(--accent-color)
sliderTrackColor: '#3a3c55'
displayType: slider

I hope this helps, mine pulses.

badge_color: ''
              style: |
                {% if is_state("sensor.garage_door_status", "Open") %}
                ha-card {
                  animation: borderPulse 2s ease-out infinite;
                @keyframes borderPulse {
                  50% {
                    box-shadow: 0 0 20px red;
                {% endif %}

Thx for your answer.
Here don’t work :frowning: