Custom Lovelace app for mobile and wall panel

Hey guys, first time poster here. Let me preface this post with stating that I’m probably crazy.

I’ve been working on a project recently (development title “prolace”) that is supposed to help me access my smarthome stuff quickly.

It’s a mobile app written in Flutter, that currently just shows my Lovelace dashboards and allows me to quickly interact with them (design is inspired by plain material and mushroom). The focus was to make all interactions as quick and smooth as possible.

I plan to mainly use this on a wall mounted tablet and my smartphone.

On the mobile side of things I added a couple of features that make it easier to quickly use:

  • Bottom navigation for easy thumb reachability
  • The app quickly loads all motion sensors on startup, determines the last active room and shows the most likely matching Lovelace page. I’ve had this feature for a day now and it’s a game changer for me

My goal is not to replace the companion app completely but make this the quick and slim remote.

Since it’s cross platform, I also have it running on my wall-mounted fire (apparently I can only add one picture in a post, so you have to believe me).

The project will be open source, videos on how buttery smooth everything is coming soon :grinning:


Picture of the wall mounted tablet :smiley:

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Short demo video :slight_smile:


this looks very nice!

can you share the code? I’m especially interested in how you are loading the Lovelace dashboard without header.