Custom Lovelace Card - Homekit style card

I was finally able to figure out a way to get the switch popup card as a FAN and non popup. I had to use the custom:hui-element and Custom:layout-card. but works flawlessly.

type: 'custom:layout-card'
  - type: 'custom:hui-element'
    card_type: 'custom:switch-popup-card'
      - fan.master_bedroom_fan
      - icon: 'mdi:fan'
        value: high
        name: Hoog
        color: '#FFF'
        icon_color: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'
      - icon: 'mdi:fan'
        value: medium
        name: Gemiddeld
        color: '#FFF'
        icon_color: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'
      - icon: 'mdi:fan'
        value: low
        name: Laag
        color: '#FFF'
        icon_color: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'
      - icon: 'mdi:fan-off'
        value: 'off'
        name: Uit
    icon: mdi-fan
    noActiveState: '-'
    entity_value_path: attributes.speed
    service: fan.set_speed
      entity_id: this
      speed: value

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Hello! I’m trying to use switch-popup-card to implement a good looking “hold_action” for my alarm. Because I’m not using the Homekit Style Card, I’ve used browser mod to create the popup. The problem that I’m facing is that, the hass call service to arm/disarm my alarm is failing with the following error:

Failed to call service alarm_control_panel/alarm_disarm. must contain at least one of entity_id, area_id.

I’m specifying the entity_id and the code needed to arm/disarm the alarm on each button. Here you have the code:

              - type: custom:switch-popup-card
                entity_value_path: state
                fullscreen: false
                  - '[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]'
                  - icon: "mdi:lock"
                    value: "armed_away"
                    name: "Arm Away"
                    color: "#FFF"
                    icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
                      entity_id: '[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]'
                      code: !secret alarm_code

                  - icon: "mdi:lock"
                    value: "disarmed"
                    name: "Disarm"
                    color: "#FFF"
                    icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
                      entity_id: '[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]'
                      code: !secret alarm_code

What am I doing wrong?


Hi @asierralozano,

Not sure what this is: [[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]
But inside the card for the service_data you can also use entity_id: this try if that works.

It looks that it works! Thanks!

Hello Guys,

Just released small update:

  • Fix for useBrightness and useTemperature
  • Add option to replace icon by image and offImage for when the tile is in off state
  • Add missing style graph tile for unit of measurement,
  • Brightness slider in tile is now also be used on larger tiles with the wider / higher options
1 Like

Works like a charm! Is way better now!

Btw, I found that:

style: |
  :host {
    --tile-background: rgba(230,230,225,0.7);
    --tile-on-background: white;


looks really close to the original colors (in case anyone will need this)

Thanks again!

Great work! I have two questions which im struggling with and where i hope you could help.

  • One big thing im missing is a lock feature just like with the button card. With this i can prevent that me or my wife push something we don’t want to push by accident. Is this something you are going to add?

  • Secondly, is it possible to combine the homekit card together with other cards on the same view? I found one workaround with the layout card but then my layout is screwed with homekit. What i want to do is to combine the homekit buttons for my lights and use double gauge card for example to show the current brightness/colortemp variable for circadian values

It keeps throwing errors at me or isn’t showing the homekit card, see below my test code:

id: TestHomekit
title: TestHomekit
path: TestHomekit
panel: true
icon: mdi:home


  - type: custom:dual-gauge-card
    title: Test
      entity:  sensor.tpl_clbrightness
      label: "1"
      min: 0
      max: 255
      entity: sensor.tpl_clcolortemp
      label: "2"
      min: 0
      max: 500
      - color: "var(--label-badge-yellow)"
        value: 100
      - color: "var(--label-badge-green)"
        value: 150
      - color: "var(--label-badge-blue)"
        value: 250

  - type: "custom:homekit-card"
    useBrightness: true
    useTemperature: true
    # titleColor: "#FFF"
    enableColumns: true
    statePositionTop: true
    style: |
      :host {
        --tile-background: rgba(230,230,225,0.7);
        --tile-on-background: white;

      - row: 1
          - column: 1
            # tileOnRow: 4
              - title: Begane grond
                  - entity: light.grp_beganegrond
                    name: Begane grond
                    spin: false
                    icon: bha:mirror-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_toilet
                    name: Toilet
                    icon: bha:ceiling-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_hal
                    name: Hal
                    icon: bha:ceiling-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_woonkamer
                    name: Woonkamer
                    icon: bha:led-strip
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_woonkamertv
                    name: Woonkamer TV
                    icon: bha:mirror-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_trapkast
                    name: Trapkast
                    icon: bha:ceiling-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_keukentafel
                    name: Keukentafel
                    icon: bha:ceiling-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_achterhoek
                    name: Achterhoek
                    icon: bha:led-strip
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.bureaubeam01
                    name: Beam Achterhoek
                    icon: bha:mirror-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_keuken
                    name: Keuken
                    icon: bha:led-strip
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_bijkeuken
                    name: Bijkeuken
                    icon: bha:ceiling-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true
                  - entity: light.grp_benedensfeerlifx
                    name: Beneden sfeer Lifx
                    icon: bha:ceiling-lamp
                    slider: true
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      settings: true

When i include it into a homekit card it’s not showing correctly

      - row: 4
          - column: 1
            # tileOnRow: 4
              - title: Test
                  - card: custom:mini-graph-card
                    noPadding: true
                    wider: true
                        - entity: sensor.tpl_clcolortemp
                          name: "Badkamer 1"
                      line_color: '#1427ff'
                        action: none
                        action: none
                  - card: gauge
                    wider: true
                    noPadding: true
                      entity: sensor.tpl_clcolortemp
                      name: With Severity
                      unit: '%'
                        green: 0
                        yellow: 250
                        red: 450
                  - card: custom:dual-gauge-card
                    wider: true
                    higher: true
                    noPadding: true
                        entity: sensor.tpl_clbrightness
                        label: "1"
                        min: 0
                        max: 255
                        entity: sensor.tpl_clcolortemp
                        label: "2"
                        min: 0
                        max: 500
                        - color: "var(--label-badge-yellow)"
                          value: 100
                        - color: "var(--label-badge-green)"
                          value: 150
                        - color: "var(--label-badge-blue)"
                          value: 300

Hi Dbuit,
First thanks a lot for your hard work, it’s really great addon to Home Assistant.
I have a ceiling fan with light and I just wonder if there is an option to show the “light-popup-card” together with “switch-popup-card” in order to be able to control the light and fan speed from the same popup screen, maybe something like this:

and one more thing, I ask you in the past if there is an option to use custom picture instead of icon and I will appriciate of you can please check if you can enable this kind of change.
Thanks in advanced.

Is there anyone that has problem that the Rules part wont load untill clicked on?
Or that it take extremly long time to load.
If i klick the part were the rules are it loads direkly. @DBuit

Can it be some Java thing of homeassistant causing this? Want me to make a video of it?

1 Like

Is there a way of getting the image in the card to take up the whole card?
I’ve tried a couple of things mentioned above but no joy?
Code is

                      - entity: media_player.kitchen_display
                        name: Top Songs 2016
                        image: ''
                        style: |
                          :host {
                          --tile-image-radius: 300%
                          action: call-service
                          entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display
                          service: spotcast.start
                            device_name: Kitchen Display
                            entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display
                            offset: 1
                            random_song: true
                            repeat: track
                            shuffle: true


Hi @Eldudemeister,

at the moment it is no option but maybe not a bad idea.
For now you could fix it with the styles but than all images will go over the whole tile but maybe that is no problem for your.

Add this to style:

           :host {
                --tile-image-radius: 0;
          .icon.image {
            position: absolute;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            left: 0;
            top: 0;
            z-index: -1;
          .icon.image img {
              height: 100%;

Hi @tomerbs,

What you could try to do is use browser_mod (maybe you already have it?)
You can open any lovelace card as a popup.

Next you could use layout card i think and inside the layout card use the light popup, and switch popup so you have them both in 1 popup.

Hi @lubbertkramer,

About locking, you really want it with a password and stuff or just a tile where you can disable the actions when tapped?

About combining i have not done that but other people have i guess that is your best option, maybe scroll back there are people that got it working i think.

Really strange that gauge card is working so strange inside a tile, i guess some conflicting css i dont use that card what can you put in it maybe i can see what breaks it.

Thx for this post. Was pulling my hair on this one. Had no icons showing untill i used this.

This is the code in total im using on the Card

enableColumns: true
home: true
rules: |
  {% if states('sensor.current_lights_on') | float > 0 %}
  <li>{{states('sensor.current_lights_on')}} Lampor är på</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "unlocked" in states('lock.entre_dorr') %} <li>Dörren är EJ LÅST!!</li>
  {% endif %}

  {% if "disarmed" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm') %}
  <li>Larmet är:  avlarmat</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "triggered" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm') %}
  <li>Larmet larmar</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "armed_home" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm')
  %} <li>Larmet är i:  Skalskyddat läge</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "armed_away" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm')
  %} <li>Larmet är i:  Helskyddat läge</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "armed_night" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm')
  %} <li>Larmet är:  Nattlarmat</li> {% endif %}

  <li>Tempratur Hemma är runt {{states('sensor.vardagsrum_temperature') |
  round(1) }} °C</li>

  {% if "home" in states('person.jimmy') %} <li>Jimmy är Hemma</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "home" in states('person.Maria') %} <li>Maria är Hemma</li> {% endif %}
title: Home
icon: 'mdi:home-outline'
  - columns:
      - column: 1
          - entities:
              - entity: sensor.vardagsrum_temperature
              - entity:
                spin: true
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.vardagsrums_lampor_grupp
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
              - entity: light.vardagsrum_vanster
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
              - entity: light.vardagsrum_hoger
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
                  - otillgänglig
                  - unknown
              - entity: switch.koks_fonster
              - entity: light.koket
                supportedFeaturesTreshold: 0
              - entity: binary_sensor.altandorr_vardagsrum
                icon: 'mdi:door-open'
                offIcon: 'mdi:door'
                - color: '#271a00'
                  name: Movie
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.vardagsrum_movie_night
                - color: '#ffb424'
                  name: Familj Kväll
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.familj_kvall
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
                - '[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]'
                closeButton: stäng
                openButton: Inställningar
              supportedFeaturesTreshold: -1
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:switch-popup-card'
            title: Vardagsrum
        tileOnRow: 4
      - column: 1
          - entities:
              - entity: sensor.sovrummet_temperature
              - entity: light.sovrum_sang_vanster
              - entity: light.sovrum_sang_hoger
              - entity: light.sovrums_fonster
              - entity: light.sovrum_bank_vanster
              - entity: light.sovrum_bank_hoger
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.sovrumsbank_lampor_grupp
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.sovrums_temp_lampor_grupp
                title: |
                  [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]]
                - color: '#00c788'
                  name: Grönt
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.gront_ar_skont
                - color: '#ff7200'
                  name: Mysigt
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.mysigt
                - color: '#c4d9d2'
                  name: Spelande
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.spelande
                - color: '#f000ff'
                  name: Sexigt
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.sexigt
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              entity: |
                [[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]
                closeButton: stäng
                openButton: Inställningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Sovrum
        tileOnRow: 4
    row: 1
  - columns:
      - column: 2
          - entities:
              - entity: sensor.hallen_temperature
              - entity: alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm
                  - unarmed
              - entity: switch.hallen
              - entity: binary_sensor.entredorr
                icon: 'mdi:door-open'
                offIcon: 'mdi:door'
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              scenesInARow: 2
                closeButton: stäng
                openButton: Inställningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Hallen
      - column: 2
          - entities:
              - entity: light.malvinas_fonster
                icon: 'mdi:lamp'
              - entity: switch.malvinas_sang
                icon: 'mdi:light-switch'
                name: Malvinas Fönster
              - entity: switch.malvinas_rum
                icon: 'mdi:floor-lamp'
                name: Malvinas Golvlampa
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
                closeButton: stäng
                openButton: Inställningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Malvinas rum
      - column: 2
          - entities:
              - entity: light.evelins_fonster
                icon: 'mdi:lamp'
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
              - entity: switch.evelins_rum
                name: Evelins Golvlampa
              - card: weather-forecast
                noPadding: true
                wider: true
                  entity: weather.smhi_hemma
                cardStyle: |
                  ha-card {
                      padding: 5px!important;
                      display: flex!important;
                      flex-direction: column!important;
                      background: transparent!important;
                      box-shadow: none!important;
                  .content {
                     display: flex!important;
                      flex-direction: row!important;
                  .icon-image {
                      min-width: auto!important;
                  .icon-image > * {
                      height: 32px!important;
                      flex: 0 0 32px!important;
                  .info .name-state {
                      font-weight: 500;
                  .info .name-state .state {
                  .info .name-state .name {
                  .info .temp-attribute {
                      font-weight: 500;
                  .info .temp-attribute .temp {
                          font-size: 16px!important;
                  .info .temp-attribute .temp span {
                          font-size: 14px!important;
                  .forecast {
                      font-size: 10px!important;
                      padding-top: 5px!important;
                  .forecast-image-icon {
                  .forecast-image-icon > * {
                      margin: 0 auto!important;
                  .forecast .temp {
                  .forecast .templow {
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
                closeButton: stäng
                openButton: Inställningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Evelins rum
      - column: 2
          - entities:
              - entity: switch.utomhus_vagg
                icon: 'mdi:wall-sconce'
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
              - entity: light.utomhus_ljusslinga
                name: Ljusslinga
              - entity: light.busklampor
                name: Busklampor
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
                closeButton: stäng
                openButton: Inställningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Utomhus
    row: 2
  - columns:
      - column: 1
          - entities:
              - entity: light.vardagsrum_vanster
              - entity: switch.vardagsrum_hoger
              - entity: switch.sovrum_vanster
              - entity: switch.sovrum_hoger
              - entity: switch.sovrumssang_vanster
              - entity: switch.sovrumssang_hoger
              - entity: switch.sovrumsfonster_lampa
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.sovrumsbank_lampor_grupp
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.sovrums_temp_lampor_grupp
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              scenesInARow: 2
                closeButton: stäng
                openButton: Inställningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Knappar
        tileOnRow: 10
    row: 3
statePositionTop: false
style: |
  :host {
    --tile-background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.22);
    --tile-border-radius: 12px;
    --tile-width: 100px;
    --tile-height: 100px;
    --tile-on-background: var(--card-background-color);

    --tile-name-text-color: rgba(183, 183, 183, 0.59);
    --tile-on-name-text-color: var(--primary-text-color);

    --tile-state-text-color: rgba(183, 183, 183, 0.59);
    --tile-on-state-text-color: var(--paper-item-icon-active-color);

    --tile-state-changed-text-color: var(--primary-text-color);
    --tile-unavailable-state-text-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);

    --tile-value-text-color: var(--primary-text-color);

    --tile-icon-color: rgba(183, 183, 183, 0.59);
    --tile-on-icon-color: var(--paper-item-icon-active-color);

    --tile-width-mobile: 90px;
    --tile-height-mobile: 90px;

    --tile-icon-size: 30px;
    --tile-padding-top: 0
titleColor: '#FFF'
type: 'custom:homekit-card'
useBrightness: true
useTemperature: false

Really stange i never had problems…
Any thing in the developer tools console of the browser?

Mmm, I can’t find this in HACS, how is it exactly called there?

OK, I better properly read the github :slight_smile: sorry

Thanks for this, when I try to input it as you have put it above, it doesnt like the location of the first } and tells me there is an indention issue? If I allign them nothing happens to the card?

Strange, can you share tour config maybe i can find what is going on.

IF i klick home they apear or if i wait.