Wow, thanks again for your great work.
And also again a few hints and requests from my side 
The individual tiles are now really better and centered on mobile devices. Unfortunately, a problem is now increasingly emerging that was already there before. The text does not scale with the size of the tiles. This means that the text is now “cut off” more:
Meanwhile I have also tested my other view with the remaining devices with the Homekit Style Card. There is a question/request regarding the display of other entities.
I have some device trackers which are displayed as binary sensor. I did this because the label “home” / “not_home” for example doesn’t make much sense on my TV. Instead, I just want to know if it is “on” / “off”.
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Philips-TV"
value_template: >-
{{ is_state('device_tracker.philipstv', 'home') }}
These sensors are currently displayed on the Homekit Style Card as if they are “on”, even though they are “off” (on the picture the “TV” tile above left). Could this be adjusted so that they are also greyed out when they are “off”?
I also have some template sensors that measure the current state of our dishwasher, washing machine and dryer based on their current power consumption:
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'Spülmaschine'
value_template: >-
{% if states('sensor.stromverbrauch_spuehlmaschine')|float <= 0 %}
{% elif states('sensor.stromverbrauch_spuehlmaschine')|float < 100 %}
{% elif states('sensor.stromverbrauch_spuehlmaschine')|float >= 100 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
The “off” status is correctly recognized and even translated here in the Homekit Style card, but the dishwasher still appears as if it is on, even though it is already switched off (“Spülmaschine” tile on top right):
Last but not least, I have a question about how Sonos devices (or media players in general) look. Since, as with Sonos, they often don’t turn off properly, but simply go into a “Paused” state, you may want to choose another display mode? Otherwise it looks as if they are constantly on and playing something, but they don’t
I hope that wasn’t too much again 
I say thank you again and wish you a good start into the new year @DBuit .