Custom Lovelace Card - Homekit style card


is it possible to share your code pleae, i love the color of your tiles, how did you do this?

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Anyone knows how i can use the transparant tiles when not used, when light is on, it should go white or grey

Here’s a snipe of my code

  - type: "custom:homekit-card"
    home: false
    title: Lichten
    enableColumns: true
      - row: 1    
          - column: 1
            tileOnRow: 5
              - title: Inkom
                  type: custom:light-popup-card
                  - entity: light.inkom
                    name: Plafondspots
                    icon: mdi:coach-lamp
          - column: 2
            tileOnRow: 5
              - title: Slaapkamer
                  type: custom:light-popup-card                      
                  - entity: light.slaapkamer
                    name: Spots              
                  - entity: light.nachtlampje_mira
                    name: Nachtlampje mira
                    icon: mdi:coach-lamp

thx in advance

I’ve just updated to 0.106.0 and getting the following error


Removed all entities except one and getting the same error


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I have exactly the same problem since updating to 0.106

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create-element-base.ts:64 homekit-card TypeError: Cannot add property useTemperature, object is not extensible
    at HTMLElement.setConfig (homekit-panel-card.js:7)
    at o (create-element-base.ts:61)
    at a (create-element-base.ts:80)
    at l (create-element-base.ts:131)
    at Hi (create-card-element.ts:88)
    at HTMLElement.value (hui-panel-view.ts:55)
    at HTMLElement.value (hui-panel-view.ts:34)
    at HTMLElement.performUpdate (updating-element.ts:704)
    at HTMLElement._enqueueUpdate (updating-element.ts:653)
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Hello everyone,

Just release v0.4.7 with a fix for the hass 0.106 problem!
@Fredamn76, @slipx06, @mkhattab

Thanks for the quick response @DBuit
That specific error is but I now have this

Hello @DBuit,

I’ve just updated to 0.4.7 but the error persists.

Error on Chrome:
Error on iOS App:

After the update I restarted HA and cleared the browser cache.

@LKrisM, @mkhattab,

you guys still have the error? i had to refresh a few times before it was gone probably cache and stuff maybe try this (add the ?v=):

- url: /community_plugin/Homekit-panel-card/homekit-panel-card.js?v=0.4.7
    type: module

Just to make sure cache is no problem.

Yes I tried both these things. Not working in iOS app or 2 different browsers so it’s not a version or cache issue

Can you check if HACS really updated the card in /config/www/community/Homekit-panel-card?
And if so can you open the .js file and search for config. useTemperature and let me know if it is in the code?

Can you copy the error you have from the developer console of the browser for me?

Hi @DBuit,

same here, tried both but no change.

Yes, HACS did update the files and I was able to find config.useTemeperature in the .js file.

Error in developer console of Chrome:

Sorry wrong instruction can you find in the code this config.useTemperature = the problem is in new update i can change config variable in my code…

Maybe reinstall the card in HACS?

Its working again for me. Had to uninstall and reinstall the plugin. Just performing an upgrade did not fix it

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OK, just execute REINSTALL of Homekit panel card in HACS and now it’s working again.

Thanks for your quick help.

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Reinstalling in HACS did the trick. All good now

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Anyone can help me with this pls?

i dont really understand what you want. what do you want transparent and are you talking about the off state of the tile?

I want the tiles to have different color, or use my current theme
now the tiles in off state have color white

something like this

when they have off state, its transparant, when on, it turns white and the icon turns yellow

Second, is there a way to have the icon slightly bigger?

Any chance you add settings for this stuff in the card ? tl adjust icon size (small , medium , large)
and color of on and off state?


how do i get the lines “woonkamer and underneath the notice for " er staan 2 lampen aan in de woonkamer”

thx mate

Currently the colors and stuff are not customizable.
The example you are showing is from someone who is not using this card. So the second row for a title is also not an option at the moment.