Custom Lovelace Card - Homekit style card

Thank you for your answer. But if I understood it correctly, this is for all entities within the homekit-card? I want to do for some specific entities and not all. Is that possible?

Ok, no that is not possible atm

Thanks for the answer. Keep on the awesome work.

Hi @DBuit, glad to see you again. Hope youā€™re doing well :slight_smile:
Iā€™d like to kknow if it is possible to display some entities depending on certain conditions? For example, I have a garden irrigation system that is connected to a water tank. If the water level of the water tank is ok, I just want to have a switch tile in the frontend to turn the watering on and off. But if the water level is too low, I want the switch to be hidden and get a tile with a warning in its place.

Or another example. I use the integrated media-control card for the tiles of my media players and really like the look of it. But I just like that the cards to be displayed when the media players play. When the media-players are off, I want to show something else for it

I couldnā€™t find anything regarding this question in the documentation on Github

@DBuit for 1. What would be the action to call the custom popup, the ones that you already do with hold_action?

For example below, I need to press and hold button in order to get the popup, but how would I replace that with tap_action.

                  - entity: cover.bedroom_cover
                    name: Bedroom
                      - "closed"
                      type: 'custom:cover-popup-card'
                      actionsInARow: 2
                      sliderService: cover.set_cover_position
                        - service: cover.open_cover
                          icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-open'
                          name: open
                            entity_id: cover.bedroom_cover
                        - service: cover.close_cover
                          icon: 'mdi:window-shutter'
                          name: close
                            entity_id: cover.bedroom_cover

I believe you use more_info

It is showing the default home assistant more_info, but not the custom popup.

Anyone know how to add a camera on top of a tile? or a picture if we cant do live camera? I see a radar tile in the example but no code showing how its done

About bottom card
It was there some time and then disappear

I switch to your homekit cards, itā€™s beautiful
Iā€™m using Vaillant termostat and custom thermostat card, but card is empty, white

And what about weather card, is there a way to show from dark sky temp

Your job is amazing

I am actually looking for that solution as well. Would be awesome if you could call the custom popup on tap action. However itā€™s not possible if I look at the documentation & some tries in my code.

Weather is not showing, in card is only name and icon sun or clouds, no temperature or any other information

I fixed this using browser_mod. Which is actually a very nice integration if you get the hang of it.

To give you an example (which is using the switch-card, but will also help you with the cover-card):

My entity with a homekit-card:

              - entity: cover.rfxcom_living
                name: Living Room
                  - Unknown
                  - Unavalaible
                  action: more-info
                  entity: cover.rfxcom_living

My browser_mod popup configuration, which replaces the more-info on my cover:

            - icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-open'
              name: open
              service: cover.open_cover
                entity_id: this
            - icon: 'mdi:stop'
              name: stop
              service: cover.stop_cover
                entity_id: this
            - icon: 'mdi:window-shutter'
              name: close
              service: cover.close_cover
                entity_id: this
            - cover.rfxcom_living
          entity_value_path: state
          noActiveState: Living Room Shutter
          type: 'custom:switch-popup-card'
          '--iron-icon-fill-color': '#FFF'
          align-items: center
          background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)'
          flex-direction: column
          height: 100%
          justify-content: center
          left: 0px
          margin: 0px
          outline: none
          position: fixed
          top: 0px
          width: 100%
          z-index: 999
        title: ''

(the css part is copied for the switch-popup-card, as it had to applied manually to work correctly)

First of all thank you very much for all your efforts. Your setup brings everything to a very high level. I think like me everyone here is very enthusiastic about your work. Really commendable, please continue.

Now my questions:

  • The sliderWidth and sliderHeight variables do not work for Switch.
  • Font size for mobile view of the titles.
  • Is there a possibility to display the view in fullscreen for example for temperature?

switchHeight or switchWidth , found it now.

Homekit is awesome


Thanks for your contribution, this card is awesome.

One question though, can you maybe add the possibility of editing the CSS of the rules? Iā€™d like to control the font size of the rules section.


Good evening, first of all beautiful plugin . Congratulations for the work!!
One question, how can I change the color of the tile icon? Example i have a tile with the entity ā€˜alarm_panelā€™ and I would like it to change color in each state (armed_home, armed_away, disarmed, pending) How can I do it?
Thank you

@DBuit hi
Using your card for a while now, on multiple views
However, i bumped into a problem just as now.
I used the card for showing all my automations.
The buttons worked to toggle it.
However i just split up the configuration of my automations, using !include dir_merge_list
The result is:

  • all my automations are still there, but the homekit buttons dont work anymore, i cant toggle it
    However when i use the menu, and go to automations, i do can toggle it on/off
    I didnt change the view either, so it should just work

Any idea?

Honestly, i think i discovered a bug
when iā€™m using entities or any other card, its workingā€¦

Is there a way to set the color of the icons and cards for states other than on and off?

Hello and sorry, some information ā€¦ I set the ā€œfanā€ icon with the spin option, but when it turns the icon is not centered ā€¦ How can I solve? Thanks