Custom Lovelace Card - Homekit style card

I solved it by using a card within a card.

type: 'custom:mod-card'
style: |
  ha-card {
    {% set o = state_attr('sensor.sala_de_estar_kodi', 'data') | from_json %}
    {% if states['media_player.sala_de_estar_lg'    ].attributes.source             == "MXQ" 
      and states['media_player.sala_de_estar_shield'].attributes.app_name           == "Kodi" 
      and states['media_player.sala_de_estar_kodi'  ].attributes.media_content_type != "music"
      and ( states['media_player.sala_de_estar_kodi'].state == "playing" 
         or states['media_player.sala_de_estar_kodi'].state == "paused" ) %}
    {%   print "background: url(" + o[0].thumbnail + ");" %}
    {% else %}
    {%   print "background: url(;" %}         
    {% endif %}     
  type: 'custom:config-template-card'
    PLAYER: |
      states['media_player.sala_de_estar_lg'].state != 'on' ? 
        'NONE' : 
        ( states['media_player.sala_de_estar_lg'].attributes.source != 'MXQ' ?
          'lg' :
          ( states['media_player.sala_de_estar_shield'].attributes.source != 'Kodi' ? 
            'shield':'kodi' ) )
    ESTADO: |
      states['media_player.sala_de_estar_lg'].state != 'on' ? 
       'NONE' : 
       ( states['media_player.sala_de_estar_lg'].attributes.source != 'MXQ' ?
         states['media_player.sala_de_estar_lg' ].state :
         ( states['media_player.sala_de_estar_shield' ].attributes.source != 'Kodi' ? 
           states['media_player.sala_de_estar_shield' ].state :
           states['media_player.sala_de_estar_kodi' ].state ) )
    - media_player.sala_de_estar_lg
    - media_player.sala_de_estar_kodi
    type: 'custom:homekit-card'
    enableColumns: true

Havenā€™t seen any feedback for a while. I wonder if the developer is ok?

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Is it just mine or does the home rules take a while to load in?

From What i understand, Thats a generall thing.

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Dear all,

First, Iā€™d like to thank @DBuit for his fantastic piece of work and commitment to develop it according to userā€™s needs, I was looking for something exactly like this for years :smiley:

Second, the puzzle pieces slowly start to fall in their places, but Iā€™d like to ask for some help and advices for a couple of things.

2 specific things are driving me nuts, please help me solve the riddle:

  1. make a scene button state depend on the included devices COMBINED state:
    currently, for scenes the states displayed are ā€œSceningā€, this is the default state for scenes. For instance I have a scene to open all my gates, and one to close them. To fake icon states I use now different offstates, but the best would be to mimic the original homekit scene button behavior, so the scene button should only be ā€œonā€, when all devices have ā€œonā€ state (or in this case, since they are gates, ā€œopenā€ or ā€œclosedā€ for off state). For this purpose, I created a group, that should behave exactly how I wish: the groupā€™s state will only be ā€œonā€, when all devices in the group are ā€œonā€ at the same time.
    If I reference this group entity in the scene button, the only thing that happens is a circle appearing in the upper right corner with the groupā€™s state, but at the bottom the original scene state is still visible, and the button state is still based on the sceneā€™s state, which is quite useless. So basically: can I replace the watched state of a button to a completely different entityā€™s state, so the button will start listen to the other entityā€™s state, and turn on and off according to this other entity?

Code for the first scene button:

          - title: Kedvenc szcenĆ”riĆ³k
              - entity: scene.kapuk_nyitas
                name: Kapuk nyitƔsa
                icon: mdi:garage-open-variant
                offIcon: mdi:garage-variant
                state: group.kapuk
                  - closed
                  action: call-service
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.kapuk_nyitas
                  haptic: success
                  action: more-info
                  entity: scene.kapuk_nyitas
  1. would it be possible to have scrolling possibility only for one ROW?
    To me - based on the github description - it felt that the horizontal scrolling is a global parameter, but Iā€™d only like to scroll certain rows, for instance the scene buttons row in the above example. Can I achieve this somehow?

Iā€™m still putting together my ONE-ABOVE-ALL dashboard, so Iā€™ll have some questions later, for sure :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Anyone been able to get the popup cards placed into the actual dashboard instead of the a popup window?

Hello together, iā€™m quite new to the customication of home assistant cards, and i wanted to change some css values that arenā€™t in the variables list of the card. Can someone help me and tell me what i have to do to change for example the ā€œ.button paddingā€ or the ā€œ.card-title paddingā€? Would be really nice and sorry if its a dumb question :slight_smile:

Hi All!
Just trying my first steps and can not get card visual or error.
I added a card throgh lovelace-ui and get BLANK card.
This is the test i did:

type: ā€œcustom:homekit-cardā€
style: |
:host {
ā€“tile-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
ā€“tile-border-radius: 12px;
ā€“tile-width: 100px;
ā€“tile-height: 100px;
ā€“tile-on-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);

--tile-name-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
--tile-on-name-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
--tile-state-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
--tile-on-state-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
--tile-state-changed-text-color: rgb(134, 134, 134);
--tile-unavailable-state-text-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);
--tile-value-text-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);
--tile-icon-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
--tile-on-icon-color: #f7d959;
--tile-width-mobile: 90px;
--tile-height-mobile: 90px;
--min-header-height: 150px;
--tile-icon-size: 30px;
--tile-image-radius: 100%
--slider-width: 120px;
--slider-height: 120px;

home: true
title: ā€œDemoā€
useBrightness: false
titleColor: ā€œ#FFFā€
enableColumns: true
statePositionTop: true

  • title: Row 1
    • entity: light.terrace
    • entity: light.all_lights
    • entity: media_player.terrace
  • title: Row 2
    • entity: light.terrace

This is the preview i get (card is not showing):

what am i doing wrong ?

Iā€™m stuck with the first step already. I have installed with HACS. This is what I get:

Can some one help me? I really like the look of this card :slight_smile:

Can I change icon with a template? Like

                        icon: |
                            if (states['input_boolean.bathroom_motion_activated_lights'].state == 'off') 
                              return 'mdi:home';
                              return 'mdi:home';

How to change the state color in my blue (#086075) of the icons for the lights? Itā€™s a light pop up cardā€¦

So I have started redoing my screen in homekit style and love it but I donā€™t completely understand how to do popups. here is my code what am I doing wrong?

  - title: Home
    icon: mdi:home-outline
    path: home
    panel: true
        title: Kaidons Lamp
          type: custom:light-popup-card
          entity: light.bulb_1
      - type: custom:homekit-card
          - title: Favorites
              - entity: alarm_control_panel.alarm_com
              - entity: cover.garage_door
              - entity: climate.living_room
                  type: custom:thermostat-popup-card
          - title: Cameras
              - entity: camera.front_door
  - title: Living Room
    icon: mdi:television-classic
    path: living
    type: panel
    badges: []
      - type: custom:homekit-card
          - title: Living Room
              type: custom:light-popup-card
              - entity: light.living_room_fan
          - title: null
              - entity: climate.living_room
              - entity: media_player.living_room
              - entity: media_player.living_room_2
        type: custom:light-popup-card
        entity: light.living_room_fan
  - title: Kitchen
    icon: mdi:fridge-outline
    path: kitchen
    type: panel
    badges: []
      - type: custom:homekit-card
          - title: Kitchen
              type: custom:light-popup-card
              - entity: switch.kitchen_2_1
              - entity: switch.dinning_light_1
              - entity: switch.back_porch_1
          - title: null
              - entity: media_player.andrew_s_echo_show
  - title: Master Bedroom
    icon: mdi:bed-double-outline
    path: master
    panel: true
      - type: custom:homekit-card
          - title: Master Bedroom
              type: custom:light-popup-card
              - entity: light.andrew_bedside_lamp
              - entity: switch.master_light_1
  - title: Kaidons Bedroom
    icon: mdi:bed-single-outline
    path: kaidon
    panel: true
      - type: custom:homekit-card
          - title: Kaidon Bedroom
              type: custom:light-popup-card
              - entity: light.bulb_1
              - entity: switch.kaidon_light_1
              - entity: light.bulb_2
          - title: null
              - entity: camera.generic_camera
              - entity: media_player.kaidon_s_echo

Hi all, I am problems putting a custom media player onto my dashboard. Iā€™m not really sure where I am going wrong. For now I am not interested in popups.

      - column: 2
        tileOnRow: 3
          - title: Master Bedroom
              - card: custom:mini-media-player
                noPadding: true
                wider: true
                widerSize: 3
                higher: true
                higherSize: 3
                cardStyle: |
                  ha-card {
                    height: 100%;
                    background: none  !important;
                    box-shadow: none !important;
                    position: relative;
                    font-size: 0.5vw !important;
                  overflow: hidden !important;
                  :host #primaryProgress{
                  background: #474A52 !important; 
                  display: flex !important;
                  height: 100%;
                  artwork: full-cover
                  entity: media_player.study_room_sonosplay5
                    power: true
                    progress: false
                    runtime: true
                    icon: true
                    name: true
                    source: true
                    volume: true
                    controls: false

Could anyone have a quick look and see where I am going wrong? Many thanks in advance.

Anyway to change the css when the button is being pressed on buttons where theyā€™re arenā€™t represented by a state/value. Ie triggering a scene

Hello @brycew

Not directly but, if you add a switch to a scene that goes on for a few sec than you got add
ā€œconditionalClassā€ on the tile and add some css for that custom class that changes the color.

Hi @taniban,

Got any errors in browser console?

Hi @andrewfblack

What is not working for you?

Hello @weaverprojects

are the tiles made with homekit-panel-card? because the light popup card does not color the lightbulbs on the tile.

Hi @DBuit,

No errors in the browser?

Hi all,

Is there any way I can remove the state (Off / On) at the yellow arrow? Iā€™d like to just track state by colour of the button but havenā€™t figured out how to remove Off & On from displaying and itā€™s getting in the way of the entity names that Iā€™d like displayed.

Also is there any way I can shift the panel over to the left towards the green bar to size up my buttons with the camera feed above on the UI?
Is there a simple way to reduce the padding below my 2nd row (Spare Bedroom etc) of buttons so ā€œLiving Roomā€ & those buttons (Floor Lamp, Table Lamp etc) are closer to that 2nd row?