Custom 'More-Info' popup for Lights

Hi everyone

I’m trying to create a custom ‘more-info’ popup for Lights (Lightgroups)

I believe that the default one is very good. Although some functionality like setting the color-wheel / temperature is 1 click too far away in my humble opinion.

Some additional function buttons Eg to trigger automations (Eg cine mode) or scenes specific to the light group could also come in very handy…

Does anyone have an idea on how to achieve this?

Or where I can find the code for the current default more-info panel?

Thx in advance

Take a look at browser_mod and light-entity-card.

With browser_mod you can create your custom pop_up and the light-entity-card contains the color-wheel. For the actual code Home Assistant uses, you can go to the Home Assistant githhub repository.


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Also, as a suggestion, you can use button-card and layout-card for the rest.


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Thanks for your quick response!

I indeed started using the colorwheel from the light entity card but bumped into issues right off the bat…

I did small tests with the browser-mod. Popups work fine in my desktop browser but no popups in the andriod app.
Maybe I’m doing something wrong here…

Regarding your browser_mod popup, please post yaml code!
Regarding your issue with light-entity-card, I do not know how to fix it. It worked fine for me back in the days. Is this issue the same with an other light? (Maybe a non-IKEA one?)