Light Entity Card color-wheel jumping to full color

Hi Everyone

First of all, I’m an ignorant HASS noob. (i’m an avid coder though)

I’m trying to create my own custom “more-info” popup for lights.
(one of the reasons is that, In my opinion, the color-wheel is one click too far off in the default ‘more-info’ popup)

For starters, I’m trying to create my own color wheel.
I use a Light Entity Card. (cause it is the only custom color-wheel I could find)

But when testing the light Entity Card with the simplest of setups, I get some weird behaviour…
The color always jumps straight to full color/saturation after dragging…


…euuhmm… stuck from the get-go…

FYI : my light is a simple RGB W ikea bulb. I have no problems of this kind using the default color-wheel in the default ‘more-info’ popup.

Does anyone have any idea of what is going on… ?