The icon on the mushroom entity card is displayed with a circle background unlike the standard entity card. The background is obviously a separate element from actual icon because when the icon is repositioned the circle background does not follow. Preferably the background would either not exist or would be able to be disabled. I have used the mushroom entity card as the built-in navigation feature makes navigation easier. In addition to the icon issue, the default layout of the card is unlike the standard entity card making it more difficult to match the look when the mushroom entity card and the standard entity card are displayed side by side. I could use the mushroom entity card for both but I prefer the layout of the standard entity card with the icon on the upper right, the name on the upper left, and the state lower center. I have been able to shift the icon but the circle background doesn’t track. I would like to duplicate the layout of the standard entity card even though more yaml is required to do so.