Custom partition file

HI Everybody,
I’m trying to increase the available flash for a sketch to 8 mb.

I’ve followed some links and created a custom_8m.csv file inside the esphome directory where all my project yaml are.
The in the yaml itself:

  name: txultimate
    board_upload.flash_size: 8MB
    board_upload.maximum_ram_size: 327680
    board_upload.maximum_size: 8388608
    board_build.partitions: "../../../../custom_8m.csv"

but the compile process fails with the following error:

*** [.pioenvs/txultimate-salotto/partitions.bin] Source /custom_8m.csv' not found, needed by target .pioenvs/txultimate-salotto/partitions.bin’.

It looks like I’m not pointing at the correct file.

Any help appreciated.

Best Regards.


This is related to changes made to esphome temporary build artifacts location.

You can still use the actual path. For example if your custom_8m.csv file is located in the same folder than your configuration yaml files are located.

  name: txultimate
    board_upload.flash_size: 8MB
    board_upload.maximum_ram_size: 327680
    board_upload.maximum_size: 8388608
    board_build.partitions: "/config/esphome/custom_8m.csv"

Thank you for the tip.
