Custom Presets for climate (thermostat)

Hi everyone,

I wanted to change the default presets (Comfort, Eco, Away, Home) to match the Velbus thermostat settings (Comfort, Day, Night, Safe / Standby, I, II, III)

I see in the documentation that I can add presets (not sure how - if anyone knows, please let me know) … but can I also hide the default ones?

And would it be possible to switch between the HEAT mode (Comfort/Day/Night/Safe) and COOL mode (Standby/I/II/III)

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Did you find how to add presets ?

There are no presets by default so you need to add them (also the default ones that you refer too).

Once you set ClimateEntityFeature.PRESET in supported_features it activates presets and then you expand the list in preset_modes property with the presets that you want to have using the default ones from Climate Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs or by adding your custom ones.