Custom Push sounds IOS app

Hi all,

I’ve recently started to use home assistant on my pi and i am enjoying it alot. I have many ideas so there is a chance you’ll see me here more often.

I have a problem that i cannot figure out. I’ve configured a alarm clock following the steps in this link:

Everything works fine up untill this point.

Now the build in sounds do not wake me up at all. So i wanted to upload some sounds.

The information on notification sounds gives me the following information:

Custom push notification sounds

The app allows you to use your own custom sounds in push notifications. The sounds must be formatted following [Apple’s requirements][sound-requirements]. You set the filename of the sound in the notification payload. To add sounds:

Connect the device to a PC or Mac running the latest version of iTunes.
Go to the device in iTunes.
Select “Apps” on the left sidebar.
Scroll down until you see the section labeled “File Sharing”.
Select Home Assistant.
Drag and drop properly formatted sounds.
Click Sync in the lower right.
Once sync is complete, disconnect the device from the computer.
On your iOS device, open the Home Assistant app.
Go to Settings -> Notification Settings.
Select “Import sounds from iTunes”.

Assuming that you correctly formatted the sounds they are now available to use in push notifications.


Please note that due to a bug in iOS 10 you may need to restart your entire device before notification sounds can be played. This should hopefully be fixed by Apple soon.
Uploading a file with the same name as an existing one will overwrite the original.
You can view what sounds are installed on each device by inspecting the ios.conf file in your configuration directory. They are listed in the pushSounds array.

I have followed the above steps… i have succesfully imported the sounds in my app and they are visible in my ios.conf.

        "pushSounds": [


However… If i change the sound in the script the notification works, but no sound. If i change it back to a pre installed sound it works again.
As you can see i formatted in different extensions but non seem to work.
Does anybody have a idea what i am doing wrong?

PS: I am fairly new :).



The sound file format that works for me is 32bit float 48000Hz wav files.

I use Audacity to export files as WAV 32bit float PCM. Make sure the project rate is set to 48000Hz (lower right hand corner of the main program window).

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I’m not sure if it’ll help but you could try updating the push notifications also in the notification settings of the HA app

Hi Tom,

This was the solution for me. Thank you so much for this helpful information.


Anybody know where a list might be obtained of sound files already available for use in the app?

Think I’ve partly answered my own question - the weird thing is, that list makes no mention of the siren sound? So it is maybe on another list?