Custom Quirk for Zemismart (Tuya) Switch using ZHA

Hi all,

I am trying to get a custom quirk for these two Zemismart Switches

por_TZE200_r731zlxk (6 Gang)
por _TZE204_shkxsgis (4 Gang)

Has someone developed one yet?


It does not look like it, but search yourself for “_TZE200_r731zlxk” and “_TZE204_shkxsgis” here:

and here:

Also suggest you read this guide regardless:

Hi Hedda, thanks for the reply. Great guide on custom device handler quirks.
No luck on the zigpy search. These devices are actually pretty common. Both Zemismart switches. Weird that there is no native handler on ZHA. I have other Zemismart switches that were “plug and play”.

@carlosjusto if your device is similar to existing devices but just uses a different device signature model number (which is likely) then you usually just need to add any new models to the existing ZHA Device Handler (quirk), which is not something that requires coding skills so you can try doing it yourself.

I posted an similified how-to reply in my existing guide thread guide since though that it might help more people here in the commuinity if that information was in that thread instead → Zigbee Guide: How-to setup local custom device handler quirks in ZHA integration - #4 by Hedda

Note that if you need further help then you must take that up in a new device ssupport request issue posted to the ZHA Device Handlers repository, which is really something that you should post regardless.