I have made my own RGB wifi enabled light using a ESP2866 and I was wondering if there is a way to configure a light using HTTP rather than MQTT or the like?
I don’t believe there is a component for what I am looking for but I thought I would ask first, if there isn’t one I will try my hand at making a new one.
I can make it work with REST and I could make it just into a switch for off and on but I don’t know how I would mix the RGB and make it to appear like a normal RGB light switch
Since you use a NodeMCU, you’d be much better off using mqtt:
It’s already integrated as an RGB light and if you haven’t setup an mqtt broker yet, home-assistant comes with an embedded one that I use without problem for my mqtt enabled light
I had a look at the repo you linked, I forked it and have made a new implementation that is compatible with all NeoPixels and other addressable led strips. The board is a nodemcu. Here is the repo, not sure if there is anywhere else I can add this to help people out
There are a couple of open issues on the FastLED repo, it looks like you can use the SK6812-RGB strip as its a clone of the WS2812 so you can just use WS2812 in the config rather than SK6812. Check out this issue on github for reference