Custom sentence returning intended '6' as '6:00'

I am using a custom sentence which feeds a pick a number trigger. I said “Pick a number from 6 to 10” but Assist read that as “Pick a number from 6:00 to 10:00” using a custom sentence. Is this expected?

I can do 30 to 100 and it works so I’m guessing it is only the low numbers that will cause this

Is there a workaround for this or a way to force a certain format for a number. Note that I am using a custom sentence automation and don’t have the flexibility to create this in YAML

I have not had that specific issue, but you can use templates to modify the values returned in slots. Post your automation so we can see what you are doing.

alias: View Assist - Random Fun
description: ""
  - platform: conversation
      - Ask [the] magic (8 | eight) ball
    id: magic8ball
  - platform: conversation
      - Flip [a] coin
    id: flipcoin
  - platform: conversation
      - Pick a number from {fromnum} to {tonum}
    id: picknumber
  - platform: conversation
      - (Lets play rock paper scissors | rock paper scissors)
    id: rockpaperscissors
  - platform: conversation
      - Roll a dice
    id: rolldice
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - magic8ball
          - set_conversation_response: |-
              The magic eight ball says ... {{ [
                "Cannot predict now",
                "As I see it, yes",
                "My reply is no",
                "Better not tell you now",
                "Without a doubt",
                "It is certain",
                "Most likely",
                "Very doubtful",
                "Reply hazy, try again",
                "My sources say no",
                "Ask again later",
                "Outlook not so good",
                "Yes definitely",
                "It is decidedly so",
                "Don't count on it",
                "Signs point to yes",
                "You may rely on it",
                "Outlook good",
                "Concentrate and ask again"
              ] | random }}
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - flipcoin
          - set_conversation_response: |-
              Here goes... it landed on {{ [
              ] | random }}
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - picknumber
          - set_conversation_response: >-
              I'm thinking of a number ... ... ... my number is {{
              range(trigger.slots.fromnum|int, trigger.slots.tonum|int) | random
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - rockpaperscissors
          - set_conversation_response: |-
              Lets play!!! Rock Paper Scissors shoot ... {{ [
              ] | random }}
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - rolldice
          - set_conversation_response: I rolled a {{ range(1, trigger.slots.diefaces|int) | random }}
mode: single

This is a combination of a few different ‘games’. Note that the pick a number and dice will suffer from this same issue. Thanks for looking

You may also run into issues if/when it returns “six” instead of “6”. The converter I put together to handle that kind of thing is at:

Here’s what I’ve been using (with a fix for the “06:00” issue added):

alias: Sentence - Random Number/Dice Roll
description: ""
  - platform: conversation
      - (generate|pick|give me) [a] [random] number between {num_1} and {num_2}
      - d {num_2} [dice] roll
      - roll a d {num_2} [dice]
condition: []
  - variables:
      num_1: |
        {% set x = trigger.slots.num_1 %}
        {%- if x is undefined %} 
        {%- elif x | is_number %} 
          {{ x }}
        {%- else %}
          {%- set x = x.split(":")[0] if ":" in x else x %}
          {%- from 'tools.jinja' import to_numeral -%}
          {{- to_numeral(x) }}
        {%- endif %}
      num_2: |
        {% set x = trigger.slots.num_2 %}
        {%- if x is undefined %}
        {%- elif x | is_number %}
          {{ x }}
        {%- else %}
          {%- set x = x.split(":")[0] if ":" in x else x %}
          {%- from 'tools.jinja' import to_numeral -%}
          {{- to_numeral(x) }}
        {%- endif %}
  - set_conversation_response: "{{ range(num_1| int, num_2| int + 1) | random }}"
mode: single

EDIT: Corrected a couple typos

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Wowsers! Thanks man. I am tracking what you are doing. Kind of stinks it’s necessary but I do get the fact that Assist is doing its best to get the context right and that’s not the easiest thing to do at times.

Again, I appreciate this and will gladly lift it and use it with my automations!