Custom sentence takes forever to activate

Assist has been working well for me turning on an off lights and I wanted to try creating my own custom sentence. The issue is that when I do it through Siri it times out and when I do it through the assist icon and type it in it takes about 45 seconds to respond and start, while the turn on and off happens immediately.

I am thinking I made it incorrectly, or something - any help would be appreciated to speed it up or fix it. Thanks

I created a file: /config/custom_sentences/en/vacuum.yaml and then added code to my configuration.yaml. (My vacuum needs numbers to know what to clean so I have it convert the room name to the room number)

language: "en"
      - sentences:
          - "vacuum [the] {roborockroomname}"
      - in: "kitchen"
        out: "23"
      - in: "kitchen island"
        out: "23"
      - in: "kitchen windows"
        out: "17"
      - in: "kitchen table"
        out: "17"
      - in: "family room"
        out: "16"
      - in: "dining room"
        out: "19"
      - in: "living room"
        out: "18"
      - in: "first floor bathroom"
        out: "2"
      - in: "downstairs bathroom"
        out: "2"
      - in: "first floor hallway"
        out: "20"
      - in: "downstairs hallway"
        out: "20"
      - in: "office"
        out: "21"
      - in: "laundry room"
        out: "2"
      - in: "master bedroom"
        out: "18"
      - in: "upstairs hallway"
        out: "1"
      - in: "second floor room"
        out: "1"
      - in: "master bathroom"
        out: "3"
      - in: "front bedroom"
        out: "2"
      - in: "blake bedroom"
        out: "16"
      - in: "blake's bedroom"
        out: "16"
      - in: "heath bedroom"
        out: "19"
      - in: "heath's bedroom"
        out: "19"
      service: "xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_segment"
        segments: "{{ roborockroomname }}"
        entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s4
      text: "Cleaning the room"

I created my first custom in response to your post.
The first time it took a say 10s or so, but the second time it’s instant. Guess it was still starting up or at least had to read the custom yaml.

I am running a Pi4 SSD 8GB.