Custom slider button card image

hello - I am attempting to add a custom image to my custom slider cards and have been unsuccessful with everything that I have tried so far. I am able to accomplish this using just the simple button but would like to leverage the slider cards for this. Has anyone successful used a image instead of the icons? and willing to share how you accomplished it?

here is the code for the simple button and trying to understand if I can insert this somewhere in the custom slider button code:

type: custom:button-card
show_entity_picture: true
show_name: true
name: front Porch
  - value: "off"
    entity_picture: /local/images/Icon_jpg/lightbulb_off_100x100_10.24.png
  - value: "on"
    entity_picture: /local/images/Icon_jpg/lightbulb_on_100x100_10.24.png
  action: toggle
entity: light.front_porch_light
    - padding: 5px 5px
    - width: 60px
    - height: 60px
style: |
  ha-card {
     background: transparent; 
     border-style: none;

Thank you Tom - still learning!

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