Custom switch with siemens logo


I’m using homassistant with siemesn logo to trigger my lights.
For example

 - name: Brievenbus
    type: tcp
    host: 192.168.x.x
    port: xxx
      - name: input_pad
        address: 8256
        write_type: coil
      - name: output_pad
        address: 8193
        scan_interval: 5
        device_class: light
        input_type: coil

Is there a way to have a custom switch which

  • follows the output_status (eg. shows the state of the coil)
  • when switchen over the switch pulsing the input to change the state of the output.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

when changing the switch triggering

Hi, sorry for the late reply on that topic - I just started with Modbus on my Siemens Logo recently, so that’s why I could not provide an feedback until now…

      - name: "Tageslicht (t1)"
        unique_id: "t1_ni1"
        address: 0
        write_type: coil
        command_on: 1
        command_off: 0
        scan_interval: 1
            input_type: coil
            address: 8192
            state_on: 1
            state_off: 0

This is my configuration for a Light Switch in the LOGO.
Address 0 is in my case the address for an Network Input, which is set to V0.0 with its address

In order to “verify” that the switch has worked, I am using the Address of the Output (Q) that will be enabled when the Switch has been triggered.

This program as an example, should switch on the Light eighter when the Input 1 on the Logo has been activated - or when the Network Input (HA) has been triggered.

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I made a integration just for this purpose.
It works just like the integrated modbus integration but also allows u to send pulses.

U can find the installation guide here together with a Siemens Logo example