Custom Tab

Hi all!

So just noticed my frontend was updated to lovelace after last update. Looks fine, for now. But I would like to start experimenting with the cards etc. Is it possible to have a single tab using the lovelace.yaml thingy and keep my groups active until I finish experimenting?

Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:

Are you asking if you can use the old UI (The states page) while experimenting with lovelace?

If so, yes. You can always access the old UI by going to /states. So if your url is then going to will get you back to your old UI.

If you are editing the lovelace page using YAML mode, you can also add the following card which will open your old UI:

      - type: entities
        show_header_toggle: false
          - type: weblink
            url: /states
            name: "States"
            icon: mdi:home-assistant

That’s exactly what I mean. I will give that a shot! Thank you!

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