These cards are exactly what i am looking for, but before trying to install any of this, and breaking HAssio in the process, would love some feedback from the forum
cool, looking forward to that.
any suggestions for installing , or just follow the instructions, remember im on hassio and only have root acces to the prompt…
I’ve managed the manual setup, quite simple really, since well documented, but have as yet to implement any of the newly added options.
was wondering if the -glob thing has to actually be there…?
going to search for a real life example in coding in the cookbooks. Maybe @ZJAVA would you show us some to the work you’ve done with it please?
2017-11-23 18:19:28 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [homeassistant]: [customize_glob] is an invalid option for [homeassistant]. Check: homeassistant->customize->customize_glob. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 2).
This is my configuration. Then I created the custom_componet in in
and my custom_ui in
but no custom_ui in front end …?
# Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
name: Home
# Customization file
customize: !include customize_my.yaml
emulated_hue_hidden: False
hidden: False
custom_ui: local
i havent managed to use it really, i experienced a complete Hassio crash shortly after i had installed the custom ui…
Probably a coincidence, i hope.
i have been rebuilding my setup and meticulously saving each working state after that, and haunt reached the custom ui yet.
Still, would be very interested in any working examples of the custom ui, especially the badges on cards thing.
I dient yet fully comprehend the customize_glob definition, all i got were error messages. i would have thought this to be possible to define in an !include file, and leave the config file as clean as possible, but havent found a way to do the yet.
Please do post your experience, id hope to learn from them
i had it all installed, that process went rather well, but had not seen any changes yet. Tried a few, but got error messages,so left it for the moment.
Maybe @ZJAVA can chine in, since he has it all working great?
maybe we aren’t talking about the same here are we?
The frontend itself will not be different, only the cards you use and define under the customize_glob. (at least, that’s the way i understand it).
its what i have, and what’s working.
To be honest, my decision to use the frontend, was based upon the fact i already had a !include frontend.yaml, and i always like to keep my setup as tidy as possible, for debugging purposes.
Adding an extra customizer component to the configuration.yaml is just a bit less tidy in my case. YMMV.