i am a bit out of ideas right now.
Other than Lovelace or your version of HA has taken out further functionality of custom-ui. Or, you must have missed something in the installation of custom-ui.
I am on Ha 84.3 and have the latest version of custom-ui installed (via the ./update.sh script)
all my badges are displayed with themes, though in lovelace the themes are no longer supported in individual entities on a card:
strangest thing: I now notice my custom-ui is still a version behind yours I am positive though to have run the updater…
It might have to do with the Ha version, and compatibly with custom-ui. On my other HA instance the latest Custom-ui is running.
still badges are customized on that too, as explained above
Been fighting with icon color on my cards. All my devices have a yellow icon! i even downloaded an icon from mdi in purple but it show up as yellow. I tried to use customize piece in the front end to allow the UI override and I’ve tried to add a line for icon_color in my customize.yaml where I was able to set the icon after putting the icons in my www folder. WHAT am i doing wrong???! Do I have to create what I’ve seen loosely referenced, a theme first?? pulling my hair out
I see now, thanks for alerting me.
Seems the author has left planet earth for a while… Many issues are left unanswered. Guess Lovelace takes its toll, fixing all breaking changes
i single line most of mine for readability. my customize file is nearly 400 lines of similar templates. lol. probably should figure out a better way, or use glob.