Custom UI: Tiles


Thanks for checking it out, but it still doesn’t look good to me:

Config is as follows:

  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-tiles
    columns: 3
    row_height: 50px

Tried removing both row and column_height and it didn’t got better…

Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Maybe try converting your images from png to jpg. I downloaded your example up arrow image and it was a jpg. Here is what I got:


  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-tiles
    columns: 3
    row_height: 50px
      - entity: script.press_button
        image: /local/up.jpg
        column: 2
        row: 1
      - entity: script.press_button
        image: /local/up.jpg
        column: 1
        row: 2
      - entity: script.press_button
        image: /local/up.jpg
        column: 3
        row: 2
      - entity: script.press_button
        image: /local/up.jpg
        column: 2
        row: 3

I did convert the image from png to jpeg and it still shows up weird.

Would you mind share your up.jpg with me, for me to test?

Thanks in advance.

Sure. jpg can not be transparent. So I think your image is still a png, which can be transparent.


Honestly no idea why, but it still appears the same after using your image…

It seems that <paper-button> lacks background-repeat: no-repeat and background-position: center css properties. Add them to both state-card-tiles.html and state-card-tiles_es5.html and you’re good.

Just updated, and problem persists. Could you link the forum where you saw this chat?

Thank you.

After changing the css attributes as suggested by @Cezex, it worked well:

with the following config:

  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-tiles
    columns: 3
    column_width: 50px
    row_height: 50px
    color: white
    - entity: script.dafang_home_move_up
      image: /local/images/arrows/up.jpg
      column: 2
      row: 1
    - entity: script.dafang_home_move_left
      image: /local/images/arrows/left.jpg
      column: 1
      row: 2
    - entity: script.dafang_home_move_right
      image: /local/images/arrows/right.jpg
      column: 3
      row: 2
    - entity: script.dafang_home_move_down
      image: /local/images/arrows/down.jpg
      column: 2
      row: 3

Thanks to everyone who helped (or at least tried), to solve my matter.

Is there a way to have the text of a tile be a variable? Specifically, the current set temp for a climate entity?

I’ve got my tile showing the current temp from the thermostat using label_state. I’m sure if you made a template sensor for your set temp, it wouldn’t be hard.

Yup, this ended up working. Thanks for confirming.

guys i just updated to home assistant 63.3 and the tiles do not show up on my mobile device… anyone else have this issue? please help

  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-tiles
    columns: 1
    column_width: 75px
    row_height: 75px
    gap: 15px
    color: '#36454F'
    color_on: '#0F9D58'
    color_off: '#36454F'
      - entity: switch.ceiling
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light

Log Details (ERROR)

Sat Feb 17 2018 22:38:59 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

undefined:1:11 TypeError: Cannot call a class constructor without |new|

Thanks, this is excellent.

Hello everyone, this is my first post in this forum. I have very little knowledge and I really need your help.

I can not display the buttons.
What is wrong with the code below?
(I have not posted my homeassistant directory on github because I do not know how it does it).

Please help me.

      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-tiles
        columns: 7
        row_height: 75px
        column_width: 62px
        gap: 15px
        color: '#555B65'
        color_on: '#D5D619'
        #color_on: 'var(--primary-color)'
        #color_on: '#262B38'
        color_off: '#BBBEC2'
          - entity: switch.fan_pc_leds_on_off
            icon: mdi:power
            column: 1
            row: 1
## Groups
    name: Controle Remoto PC
      - script.remote_control
## Switches
  - platform: command_line
    hide_entity: true
          friendly_name: "Fans Led On/Off"
          command_on: !secret fan_pc_leds_on
          command_off: !secret fan_pc_leds_off


The top of your config file looks wrong to me, it should look like this …

  name: 'Home'
  latitude: your_latitude
  longitude: your_longitude
  elevation: your_elevation 
  time_zone: Europe/London
  unit_system: metric

You also seem to be missing the script for the remote

Thanks for the answer.
This code is inside a package, so it does not need coordinates.
As for the script, I do not know what I write in it. For in all other users’ codes they wrote the same. That is, I continue without displaying the customization.

Below is a picture of how it is.Capturar

Anyone else having issues with release 0.63.3 where the tiles will not display on a mobile device… ive tried both the native and hybrid applications and it throws a system/log error each time… I have opened a ticket with the developer on github but maybe im doing something wrong… again this does work/display on my windows chrome and firefox browsers, just not the mobile

  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-tiles
    columns: 1
    column_width: 75px
    row_height: 75px
    gap: 15px
    color: '#36454F'
    color_on: '#0F9D58'
    color_off: '#36454F'
      - entity: switch.ceiling
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light

Log Details (ERROR)

Sat Feb 17 2018 22:38:59 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

undefined:1:11 TypeError: Cannot call a class constructor without |new|

It’s working fine here on laptop and android, but I did have some errors in the log from this afternoon when my better half was at home, and she has an iPhone. Can’t say it was definitely this error, but it was something similar.

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@vicentecandido I see you are missing these lines in your configuration file. You will also need to download the two files and add them to your .homeassistant/www/custom_ui directory.

    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-tiles.html
    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-tiles-es5.html