Custom UI with Buttons - Fan Control

One error I see in your configuration is where you have:

  icon: mdi:fan
  custom_ui_state_card: custom_fan

That last line should be:

  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom_fan

…because it should match the name of the html file you have in the custom_ui folder.

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thanks ill have a look when home

hello @myle Hello, worked for you? what your HA version?
In my 0.53.1 not work

Sort of working Will update when it is

I just a newbie on making my room with HA and I really happy with all your help :slight_smile:

The Fan is the first one I connected to HA and remote it via boardlink.
I took 2 week to custom this Fan UI as @kylerw share in this topic and finally it work… However, when I click on Low/Med/High and I got the error

Unable to find service fan/set_speed

I know I miss something… please anyone help me with this :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help

hey buddy, is there a way to ‘intercept’ the speeds, and have them turn on a switch. not great on the code side.

i have fan power running through a z-wave in wall microcontroller
and the fan speeds i used this RF Ceiling Fan Remote Hack

so on off is one switch, and the speeds translate to turning on a different switch for each speed.

thanks in advance

I don’t think it would be a problem to update to support that setup - I’ve since stopped using this so I’m not sure I’m the best person to help. Sorry!

no worries, appreciate the response

very handy bit of code, thanks :smiley:
if i wanted to do the same for locks, i thought i could just look at states.lock
could I simply change all occurances of this:

{%-for state in states.binary_sensor 
      if(state.attributes.device_class=="motion" and state.state=="on")-%}

to this:

{%-for state in states.lock

i thought it wasnt working, i had something else wrong…so this works for locks - VERY nicely (well with 2 doors unlocked, may run out of room with 3) - Thanks again for the code @jamesdawson3

 - platform: template
       value_template: >
         {%-for state in states.lock
             {%-if loop.last-%}
               {%-if loop.index > 0-%}
                 {%-for state in states.lock if(state.state =="unlocked")-%}
                   {{}}{%-if not loop.last -%}{%-if(loop.index+1==loop.length)%} & {%else%}, {%endif-%}{%-else%} Door Unlocked{%endif-%}
             All Locked
       icon_template: >
         {%-for state in states.lock
             {%-if loop.last-%}
               {%-if loop.index > 0-%}

Mind saying what you’re using in place of this? I’m looking to create something similar to what you did and am wondering if you found a “better” way

I’m using CustomUI but only to display the speed. I use Google Home to control the speed should I need to change it, generally. I can still open the detail modal for the Fan and adjust it there as well.


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OK, thanks. I’m pretty new to HA and still trying to digest all the different options. I’ve got a slightly different requirement. I’m planning on using a Sonoff 4CH Pro w/ Tasmota firmware to control a shop air filtration system (AFS). I’m wiring the Sonoff directly into the motor so I need to development scripts/automation/scenes? to set/unset the different channels based on what speed I want.

I have an Amazon Echo in the shop which I tried to use with a shop vacuum but when the vacuum is on Echo can’t hear the commands so voice control isn’t really a viable option for me unfortunately. The AFS might be a different case though since generally you turn it on for a set amount of time so part of my script might be to default to turn off after a fixed amount of time and then voice control might be an option.

So many choices…

So I’m still trying to digest all of this and have made a little progress. I have an input_select with the 3 speeds plus OFF and selecting one of the options calls an automation (automation.afs_medium_speed). Now I need to edit Kyle’s code to work with my configuration.

I have the 3 files that Kyle started with (fan-model.html, state-card-with-speed.html, and state-card-custom_fan.html). Am I getting close to what I want by making these changes?

fan-model.html -->

computeEntityObj: function (hass, stateObj) { return new window.FanEntity(hass, stateObj); },
computeEntityObj: function (hass, stateObj) { return new window.input_select.Entity(hass, stateObj); },

state-card-with-speed.html -->

onMedTap: function (ev) { this.entityObj.setSpeed('medium', ev); },

state-card-custom_fan.html – No changes required?

Great work!!!
Can you share this custom card?

Awesome.Can you please share the code?

Yesterday I updated to the latest Home Assistant to 0.65.6 and noticed that the on, off buttons that I created start to pop-up the detail page whenever it is clicked. This does not happened prior to the update because “ev.stopPropagation();” is used as advised.

How do I now stop that pop-up from appearing? For example if I press Storeroom Light “ON”, the detail page will appear. I will need to close it in order to go back to the main.



Same issue here. Did you find a fix?

Hi @travis
Can you share the celling fan template…
I looking this for a while and I really love this

@CloudHoang the state-card-custom html I used for the 3 buttons.

<dom-module id="state-card-custom_fan1">
    <style is="custom-style" include="iron-flex iron-flex-alignment"></style>
      :host {
        line-height: 1.5;
      paper-button {
        min-width: 29px;
        height: 30px;

<div class='horizontal justified layout'>
  <state-info state-obj="[[stateObj]]"></state-info>
      <paper-button on-tap="btnlow">L</svg></paper-button>
      <paper-button on-tap="btnmed">M</svg></paper-button>
      <paper-button on-tap="btnhigh">H</svg></paper-button>
          is: 'state-card-custom_fan1',
          properties: {
            hass: {
              type: Object,
            stateObj: {
              type: Object,

          btnlow: function (ev) {
            this.setVol('fan_speed_low', ev);
          btnmed: function (ev) {
            this.setVol('fan_speed_med', ev);
          btnhigh: function (ev) {
            this.setVol('fan_speed_high', ev);

          setVol(vol,ev) {
            var serviceData = {entity_id:('scene.'+vol)};
            this.hass.callService('scene', 'turn_on', serviceData);


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