Custom UI with Buttons - Fan Control

So I’m still trying to digest all of this and have made a little progress. I have an input_select with the 3 speeds plus OFF and selecting one of the options calls an automation (automation.afs_medium_speed). Now I need to edit Kyle’s code to work with my configuration.

I have the 3 files that Kyle started with (fan-model.html, state-card-with-speed.html, and state-card-custom_fan.html). Am I getting close to what I want by making these changes?

fan-model.html -->

computeEntityObj: function (hass, stateObj) { return new window.FanEntity(hass, stateObj); },
computeEntityObj: function (hass, stateObj) { return new window.input_select.Entity(hass, stateObj); },

state-card-with-speed.html -->

onMedTap: function (ev) { this.entityObj.setSpeed('medium', ev); },

state-card-custom_fan.html – No changes required?

Great work!!!
Can you share this custom card?

Awesome.Can you please share the code?

Yesterday I updated to the latest Home Assistant to 0.65.6 and noticed that the on, off buttons that I created start to pop-up the detail page whenever it is clicked. This does not happened prior to the update because “ev.stopPropagation();” is used as advised.

How do I now stop that pop-up from appearing? For example if I press Storeroom Light “ON”, the detail page will appear. I will need to close it in order to go back to the main.



Same issue here. Did you find a fix?

Hi @travis
Can you share the celling fan template…
I looking this for a while and I really love this

@CloudHoang the state-card-custom html I used for the 3 buttons.

<dom-module id="state-card-custom_fan1">
    <style is="custom-style" include="iron-flex iron-flex-alignment"></style>
      :host {
        line-height: 1.5;
      paper-button {
        min-width: 29px;
        height: 30px;

<div class='horizontal justified layout'>
  <state-info state-obj="[[stateObj]]"></state-info>
      <paper-button on-tap="btnlow">L</svg></paper-button>
      <paper-button on-tap="btnmed">M</svg></paper-button>
      <paper-button on-tap="btnhigh">H</svg></paper-button>
          is: 'state-card-custom_fan1',
          properties: {
            hass: {
              type: Object,
            stateObj: {
              type: Object,

          btnlow: function (ev) {
            this.setVol('fan_speed_low', ev);
          btnmed: function (ev) {
            this.setVol('fan_speed_med', ev);
          btnhigh: function (ev) {
            this.setVol('fan_speed_high', ev);

          setVol(vol,ev) {
            var serviceData = {entity_id:('scene.'+vol)};
            this.hass.callService('scene', 'turn_on', serviceData);


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Nope…still finding the fix.

apparently a bug

@travis @juan11perez I fixed this by replacing on-tap with on-click

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many thanks John

Its gone!..Thanks

thanks for you script but I dont know much about the custom state card :frowning:
can you help me edit a bit??

I have a RF fan with 1 command to change from Low => Medium => High => Low … so I make a script to switch a fan speed something like

If current is low, change to high =>> send 2 command.
If current is Medium, change to high =>> send 1 command.

How can I map those script to the html card? :thinking:
Really thanks and feel free if you can help.

Good day, anyone can advise on how to insert a picture onto the paper-button

<paper-button ###image### on-click=“btntap1”>Ø

thank you

i’ve got the same question, i have a remote which has one button to go from low-med-high on successive hits. Any solution to this is greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.

Hi, i have added a picture like this:

<paper-button style='background-color:#ff0000;background-image: url("/local/your-image.png");' on-tap="btntst">Test button!</paper-button>

The *.png file must be placed in ~/.homeassistant/www

thank you for your help

Did you ever get the custom state card fan speed control working?

If so could you share your steps and configuration?

Actually couldn’t follow this long thread and get something working so i came up with my own. This is working and super easy to get setup. Let me know how easy my instructions are to setup.

@undertoe I used your code as a template to make a custom card for alarm_control_panel. I want to add a second line under the entity name like @jamesdawson3 alarm_control_panel above to show current status. Can either of you guys, or @andrey, give me any advice?


<dom-module id="state-card-custom-alarm_control_panel">
    <style is="custom-style" include="iron-flex iron-flex-alignment"></style>
      :host {
        line-height: 1.5;
      paper-button {
        float: left !important;
        font-size: 12px !important;
        height: 30px;
        margin: 3px;
        min-width: 75px;
    <div class='horizontal justified layout'>
      <state-info state-obj="[[stateObj]]"></state-info>
        <paper-button raised on-click='handleDisarmTap' hidden$='[[!disarmBtnVisible]]'>Disarm</paper-button>
        <paper-button raised on-click='handleAwayTap' hidden$='[[!awayBtnVisible]]'>Away</paper-button>
        <paper-button raised on-click='handleHomeTap' hidden$='[[!homeBtnVisible]]'>Home</paper-button>
        <paper-button raised on-click='handleNightTap' hidden$='[[!nightBtnVisible]]'>Night</paper-button>
    is: 'state-card-custom-alarm_control_panel',
    properties: {
      hass: {
        type: Object,
      stateObj: {
        type: Object,
        observer: 'stateObjChanged',
      statusValue: {
        type: String,
        value: 'Unknown',
      disarmBtnVisible: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,
      awayBtnVisible: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,
      homeBtnVisible: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,
      nightBtnVisible: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,
    stateObjChanged: function (newVal) {
      if (newVal) {
        if (newVal.state == 'disarmed') {
          this.statusValue = 'Disarmed';
          this.disarmBtnVisible = false;
          this.awayBtnVisible = true;
          this.homeBtnVisible = true;
          this.nightBtnVisible = true;
          this.updateStyles({'--status-text-color': 'gray'});
        } else if (newVal.state == 'armed_away') {
          this.statusValue = 'Armed Away';
          this.disarmBtnVisible = true;
          this.awayBtnVisible = false;
          this.homeBtnVisible = false;
          this.nightBtnVisible = false;
          this.updateStyles({'--status-text-color': 'gray'});
        } else if (newVal.state == 'armed_home') {
          this.statusValue = 'Armed Home';
          this.disarmBtnVisible = true;
          this.awayBtnVisible = false;
          this.homeBtnVisible = false;
          this.nightBtnVisible = false;
          this.updateStyles({'--status-text-color': 'gray'});
        } else if (newVal.state == 'armed_night') {
          this.statusValue = 'Armed Night';
          this.disarmBtnVisible = true;
          this.awayBtnVisible = false;
          this.homeBtnVisible = false;
          this.nightBtnVisible = false;
          this.updateStyles({'--status-text-color': 'gray'});
    handleDisarmTap: function (ev) {
      this.setState(ev, 'alarm_disarm');
    handleAwayTap: function (ev) {
      this.setState(ev, 'alarm_arm_away');
    handleHomeTap: function (ev) {
      this.setState(ev, 'alarm_arm_home');
    handleNightTap: function (ev) {
      this.setState(ev, 'alarm_arm_night');
    setState: function (ev, service) {
      var serviceData = {entity_id: this.stateObj.entity_id};
      this.hass.callService('alarm_control_panel', service, serviceData);
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