Custom Weather Card for PWS

Okay let me just start off by saying, I do not understand code at all.
That being said, does anyone know of a way to make a custom weather card that can be customized with sensor data that I"m pulling into my HA instance?
Like I have a load of sensors in HA for the current heat, humidity, rain, ext. Even more for the next 5 days forecast.
I was looking at the bom-weather-card, but I can’t seam to get it work or show up as a card at all.
I"m tired of pulling my hair out, I just want a nice looking card with my sensor data in it.

That is definitely the one you want.
We are currently replacing it with a new one which has GUI configuration you might find easier to configure.

It is in HACS. If you have issues just ask (about either card)

That’s amusing. I actually just installed that card.
Its doing must of what I want, but isn’t playing nice with the data that’s being pulled in with:

Specifically it doesn’t like the forecast data.

If you want help you need to post the yaml and screenshots also the sensor states. You have not said anything remotely helpful yet.

You could just ask for that info, instead of being rude.


card_config_version: 4
custom1_icon: mdi:thermometer-chevron-up
custom1_units: ' -Heat Index'
custom1_value: sensor.wupws_heatindex
custom2_icon: mdi:thermometer-chevron-down
custom2_units: '-Wind Chill'
custom2_value: sensor.wupws_windchill
custom3_icon: mdi:ruler
custom3_units: '-Total Rain'
custom3_value: sensor.wupws_preciprate
entity_humidity: sensor.wupws_humidity
entity_pop: sensor.wupws_precip_chance_1d
entity_pressure: sensor.wupws_pressure
entity_temperature: sensor.wupws_temp
entity_update_time: sensor.wupws_obstimelocal
entity_wind_speed: sensor.wupws_windspeed
entity_wind_speed_kt: sensor.wupws_winddir
extended_use_attr: false
option_static_icons: false
  - title
  - overview
  - extended
  - slots
  - daily_forecast
show_decimals: false
show_section_daily_forecast: false
show_section_extended: false
show_section_slots: true
show_section_title: true
show_separator: false
slot_l1: humidity
slot_l2: wind
slot_l3: rainfall
slot_l4: pressure
slot_l5: remove
slot_l6: remove
slot_l7: remove
slot_l8: remove
slot_r1: custom1
slot_r2: custom2
slot_r3: custom3
slot_r4: remove
slot_r5: remove
slot_r6: remove
slot_r7: remove
slot_r8: remove
text_card_title: Jacksonville, FL
text_update_time_prefix: Recorded at
type: custom:platinum-weather-card

And here are the states of most of the sensors:

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You could just provide info instead of asking for help and not giving any useful information.

Your units are not supposed to be descriptions. For instance the unit for Heat Index is typically °F for your location. You also aren’t configuring any forecast temperatures? Can you give a screenshot of the card or is it all just blank?
@theRat any other comments here?

Not without an annotated screenshot showing what isn’t working well.

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Okay I figured it out. I’m dyslexic, so I wasn’t reading what was on screen well. I was trying to put sensors in the wrong place. I’m pretty sure I have it working now.
But honestly David really comes off as an asshole. Just ask for the information you need instead of being rude.
Have a nice day.

Agreed it was a bit much, but it might help to take it offline too. The problem with a lot of these forums is that people who code expect things to be presented is a specific way and often don’t understand that a lot of people are not up to the same technical level.

Having said that, I’m finding that I need to start removing sensors from this integration as my wall panel just can’t smoothly handle whatever is happening under the hood. I’ve turned off animation and a bunch of sensors and it’s at least usable now.