Custom Weather Card mini for Lovelace

Here’s a modification from some of the other custom weather cards. With some help from @arsaboo this is my first draft…


It’s not complete by any means, and I’m more of a hacker than a real programmer so go easy. This card is a smaller version with an hourly forecast vs. the multiday larger weather card. Also, if anyone is interested in helping, some help would be appreciated. Here’s my todo for this custom card:

  1. Clean the code up
  2. If today, don’t display the day of week
  3. Add the current forecast to the first column

Looks great already!!

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Is there any simple way to reduce the forecast to just 3 days instead of 5? I’m trying to squeeze the card into a horizontal stack, and 3 days will be enough. Thanks!

I can not get this to work on new HASSIO for Raspberry.