Customise state naming binary sensors


Id like to change/customise the text output of some binary sensors (motion sensors).
I have a home-alarm system integrated (Satel Integra) with door, motion, vibration, sound and temperature sensors.
The translation for the state of the sensors are correct but way to complicated.

A motion sensor’s rest state = “Nothing detected (No motion detected)
When a motion sensor detects motion it’s state changes to “Motion detected

While this is technically correct, I really want to change it to something much shorter like “All Clear” or “Motion”.

I found the translation json’s within the repo for binary sensors, but I cannot, for the life of me, fine the location in my HA installation.

version core-2021.5.4
installation_type Home Assistant Core
dev false
hassio false
docker false
virtualenv true
python_version 3.8.5
os_name Linux
os_version 5.10.17-v7l+
arch armv7l
timezone Europe/Belgrade

Anyone please?

I’ve updated meanwhile to 2021.6.5, but the same problem, for me, continues.