Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS

thanks for the help. I still am having issues. I know it’s likely something simple but for the life of me…
I have sensors showing in entities. When I click on them they come up with “This entity does not have a unique ID, therefore it’s settings can not be managed from the UI.” When I go into developer tools and look at states the sensor is pulling data from my local BOM.
I followed the HACS install directions I thought to the letter. I run hassio on intel nuc inside docker on ubuntu 18.04. I am running 106.2.
I have added the config entries as per instructions.
I can see the integration as installed in the HACS community tab.
For the life of me I can’t get to add a card using the lovelace using the config ui at top right.
I belive it might be related to the below…
I think I’m confused when you say to paste some config into your lovelace? I’m a lovelace nuftie - exactly where do I put this code?

Can you show me exactly what you want to see - a screenshot you are trying to emulate.
You will need to take control of the GUI for lovelace to use the card - if that’s what you are actually trying to do.

I have a number of screen snips just taken.
Is this the relevant place to manually enter lovelace config for the card to be used?

I was under the impression that once installed I would see the card to be used here…


For custom cards you would use “manual-card” from that list.

hey thanks for that. So if I just replace the card config that David has with my own location - ie swap gosford for Murwillumbah - I should be cool? Have done that and hassio has a twirly circle so something is happening - here’s hoping

Or do I create the card and add the sensors entities as required by me?

I must have some problem with the bom entities. They are useable as individual sensors into lovelace through the gui editor however when I go to entities I see the following for all the BOM ones.

I just looked in the release notes of the new hassio version and it mentions entities and unique id issues. Oh well forever a tinkerer - here goes

That’s normal for non ‘discovered’ entities. It will be possible in a future update.

Use the developer tools / states menu to view the current state and if you need to edit them you do it in the YAML files.

Hey thanks all you knowledgeable hassio people.
I think I’m getting closer. Have just updated to the latest supervisor and in this window I guess is where I edit the yaml. I still haven’t been able to succesfully add in David’s card yet… so I’m kinda stuck as to what part of the yaml here requires editing.


So I’ve tried to create the custom card with the lovelace.yaml file from David’s github. I’m still doing someting obviously wrong as this is what happens.

You need to delete all the blank spaces on the left of each line and then ”- “ before “type” as it appears you are configuring this as a single manual card.

The config as it stands is likely from part of a bigger card configuration

thanks for the quick reply. So I removed the spaces and it has accepted the input but this is where I am at now.

and on the ui editor just a blank card with edit.
cusom card lovelave ui

if any of the entities referenced in the card don’t exist the card will be blank.
So go into dev-tools states and make sure all referenced entities are there.
Also post your code… not screenshots so I can see if there’s anything obvious.

I also just edited the lovelace.yaml example file in the card repo so it can be copied/pasted directly into the manual card configuration without having to worry about spacing. Hopefully this makes it easier going forward.

David, thanks for your time. Here is the code I’ve pasted in. I’ve also included a screenshot of the sensor relative humidity. I’m guessing that ny naming conventions are not right in the below code?sensor details

type: 'custom:bom-weather-card'
title: BOM Weather
entity_current_conditions: sensor.bom_weather
entity_temperature: sensor.bom_air_temp_c
entity_swell_direction: sensor.bom_swell_direction
entity_sea_state: sensor.bom_sea_state
entity_relative_humidity: sensor.bom_relative_humidity
entity_forecast_rainfall: sensor.bom_rain_today
entity_dew_point: sensor.bom_dew_point_c
entity_sun: sun.sun
entity_cloud_type: sensor.bom_cloud_type
entity_daytime_high: sensor.bom_today_max
entity_daytime_low: sensor.bom_today_min
entity_wind_bearing: sensor.bom_wind_direction
entity_wind_gust: sensor.bom_wind_gust
entity_wind_speed: sensor.bom_wind_speed_kmh
entity_humidity: sensor.bom_relative_humidity
entity_apparent_temp: sensor.bom_feels_like_c
locale: en
sunset: true
static_icons: false
tooltip_bg_color: 'rgb( 75,155,239)'
tooltip_border_color: 'rgb(255,161,0)'
tooltip_border_width: 1
tooltip_caret_size: 5
tooltip_fg_color: '#fff'
tooltip_left_offset: -12
tooltip_width: 110
tooltips: true
old_daily_format: false
time_format: 12
show_beaufort: false
refresh_interval: 60
show_separator: false
temp_top_margin: '-0.3em'
temp_font_weight: 300
temp_font_size: 4em
temp_right_pos: 0.85em
temp_uom_top_margin: '-9px'
temp_uom_right_margin: 7px
apparent_top_margin: 45px
apparent_right_pos: 1em
apparent_right_margin: 1em
current_text_top_margin: 4.5em
current_text_left_pos: 0em
current_text_font_size: 1.5em
current_text_alignment: center
current_text_width: 100%
current_data_top_margin: 10em
large_icon_top_margin: '-3.5em'
large_icon_left_position: 0em
separator_top_margin: 6em
summary_top_padding: 2em
summary_font_size: 0.8em
slot_l1: daytime_high
slot_l2: daytime_low
slot_l3: wind
slot_l4: pressure
slot_l5: sun_next
slot_r1: pop
slot_r2: humidity
slot_r3: uv_alert
slot_r4: fire_danger
slot_r5: sun_following
entity_current_conditions: sensor.bom_weather
entity_temperature: sensor.bom_air_temp_c
entity_swell_direction: sensor.bom_swell_direction
entity_sea_state: sensor.bom_sea_state
entity_relative_humidity: sensor.bom_relative_humidity
entity_forecast_rainfall: sensor.bom_rain_today
entity_dew_point: sensor.bom_dew_point_c
entity_sun: sun.sun
entity_cloud_type: sensor.bom_cloud_type
entity_daytime_high: sensor.bom_today_max
entity_daytime_low: sensor.bom_today_min
entity_wind_bearing: sensor.bom_wind_direction
entity_wind_gust: sensor.bom_wind_gust
entity_wind_speed: sensor.bom_wind_speed_kmh
entity_humidity: sensor.bom_relative_humidity
entity_apparent_temp: sensor.bom_feels_like_c

You can’t just make up entities to parse to the card.
There are also REQUIRED entities missing.
Most of the above are not valid entities to parse to the card.

I have limitations in my coding skills. When you say required entities - which are they. The range of sensor iinformation I get from BOM Murwillumbah is listed below. Will your card still work then as Gosford appears to have a much larger range of info?

|sensor.bom_air_temp_c|26.3|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
| sensor.bom_cloud|Partly cloudy|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_cloud_base|1000|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_cloud_oktas|5|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_cloud_type|Towering Cumulus|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_cloud_type_id|32|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_delta_temp_c|2.8|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_dew_point_c|22.1|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_feels_like_c|29.0|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_local_time|05/03:00pm|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_local_time_full|20200305150000|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_pressure_mb|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_pressure_msl|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_pressure_qnh|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_pressure_tend|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_rain_today|0.0|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_relative_humidity|77|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_sea_state|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_swell_direction|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_swell_height|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_swell_period|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_visability_km|20|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_weather|Fine|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_wind_direction|NE|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_wind_gust_kmh|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_wind_gust_kt|unknown|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_wind_speed_kmh|11|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|
|sensor.bom_wind_speed_kt|6|attribution: Data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology|

The instructions in the repo clearly list the VALID entities for the card along with mandatory and optional entities.
The example code I provide lists all the valid entities (the part on the left) and on the right shows the HA entity that is parsed to the card.
For example:
entity_forecast_low_temp_1: sensor.bom_gosford_min_temperature_1

The entity_forecast_low_temp_1 is a MANDATORY variable and my sensor in HA sensor.bom_gosford_min_temperature_1 is parsed to that variable on the card.
You wouldn’t use gosford - that is why you need to check dev-tools/states in HA to see what your entity name is. I would guess your line will end up looking like this:
entity_forecast_low_temp_1: sensor.bom_murwillumbah_min_temperature_1

If you do use invalid variables (on the left) the card will just ignore them… no harm no foul… but if you MISS required variables, the card won’t load. Note also that you need template sensors to create some of the entities. The repo has full information about this.

I just pushed a new commit to the card.
I have NOT released it as a new version yet but in HACS if you select the master branch you can grab the new version.

It does 2 things…
First it makes the old_icons: “true” the default so if you didn’t specify it it will now default to true. I honestly should have done this in the first place as well as I shouldn’t have renamed one of the original icons (I renamed cloudy to cloudy-original but I am NOT going to revert that now… ugh)
Second, it introduces old_icons: ‘hybrid’ which will use the OLD icons but will use the NEW ones for wind, haze, fog and dust. Let me know if you hate it.

PLEASE also let me know if you find any bugs. It was kinda a trivial change until you try and do it and I won’t be surprised if I broke something. Anyway, please let me know if something isn’t right. No feedback in a week means I’ll push a new version.


you mention

The entity_forecast_low_temp_1 is a MANDATORY variable and my sensor in HA sensor.bom_gosford_min_temperature_1 is parsed to that variable on the card.

If my local bom doesn’t output that data - at least it never appears in the developer states as a sensor variable does that mean the card cannot work?