Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS

The other thing that can effect it is the locale setting, but I see you have your set to en and that behaves properly for me too. My locale is set to en-AU normally.

My Windows is US-Australia.

The js file in the master brance on Github includes your changes. maybe you can file compare with yours and see if they are the same?

No other differences except I have a debug print in is12Hour. That won’t change anything though.

get is12Hour() {
  var hourFormat= this.config.time_format ? this.config.time_format : 12"Hourformat:"+hourFormat);

Can you send me your complete card config and I will load that up on my system and see what happens. I’ll have to fiddle it though as I don’t have Gosford sensors. Got to do a couple of things outside before the storms arrive so disappearing for a bit.

see here home-assistant/ui-lovelace.yaml at c98dc1448c3ddd5981e2e20e72ea79ee02736e84 ¡ DavidFW1960/home-assistant ¡ GitHub

So I created a new card with your config (except changing all the sensor names) and set time_format to 24 and this is what I get

so must be a setting here? (like Windows etc?)
What do I need to do to lost the digit separator for 24hr time?

ok fixed and released 0.92

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You shouldn’t even try to remove the colon in 24 hour times. ISO 8601 dictates that they are there unless the time is prefixed with a T.

hmmm OK I just don’t remember that from my uni days. I guess I can re-release as 0.92a

I think the military are now the only ones that butcher it. Also I am not sure when ISO 8601 was published that standardized 24 hour time. But in a nutshell the following are legal T1355 T13:55 or 13:55.

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thanks for your assistance with this anyway…

No problem. Now I can change my config back to 12 hour time!
Also ISO 8601 was first released in 1988, so before that there was no standard.

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it’s working properly with 24hr time for me now as well. No idea what was going on before

something stuck in the cache maybe, but good to hear it is working now as it was doing my head in trying to guess why.

It probably was cache but I don’t understand why because I loaded it via HACS and also did the dev-tools clear cache and hard reload followed by a couple of CTRL+R as well. When I did 0.92a and set for 24hrs it was stuck on no separator as well and had to refresh a bunch for it to clear. I wonder if Ludeus screwed up the cache clearing although I would guess the version changed in the resource (or maybe not)

Just a show of appreciation to @DavidFW1960, the Bom weather card is great!
Everything is working well (once I read the docs properly) apart from the NaN for min weather (but I just haven’t got around to sorting it).
Again, thanks for yours and contributors arduous work!

Thanks mate. Theres a template sensor you can use to fix the NaN in the docs….

Hi David, I’m looking for that template sensor to fix NaN in today’s low but I might be a bit sleep deprived. Can you please point me to the right direction? Thank you.

Its in the readme and also file down near the bottom. It uses either statistics or a custom average component. Reason is BOM stops publishing min/max during the current day