Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS

Thank you David. I found it and all working well now.

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Has there been any work done on getting BOM warnings into Home assistant?

are the warnings exposed by any API?

Yes there is. To get a summary for your location the url is.
substitute your geohash (same as when fetching forecasts or observations). To get the detail of a warning use.
Changing the id at the to whatever is in the id in the summary.

Those are Adelaide’s current warnings.

Thanks so if someone wants that they could use a rest sensor unless Brendan wants to add it to his component.

Not sure whether you noticed this little detail in the official BOM app, but the max and min temperatures are shown as “Max” and “Overnight Min”. At some point in the afternoon they both change to “Overnight Min” and “Tomorrow’s Max”. So really they’re just showing you tomorrow’s max and min temperatures. Is there any way of emulating the same behaviour in this card? The app must have a time based changeover period.

Humidity sensor for Gosford is up and running again today. 24 hour clock seems to be working correctly now too :+1:

Screenshot from earlier today:

Screenshot from this evening:

Yep, they do that on the beta website as well at
They basically show the next min and max (it is not today’s or tomorrow etc, just the next 2 states).

I have been contemplating writing a new bom weather card that includes the hourly forecasts, warnings etc. I think to include it in this one would require a major rewrite. It’s a lot of work and not sure I want to commit to it though.

Rob you can easily emulate the min/max if you wish by using a template sensor to test rhe min/max and if invalid to use tomorrows value to the card. Personally I use the average custom component instead. You could also just offset the entity you parse rhrough. You can do whatever you like.

I hadnt noticed humidity was back. I might switch back to using that.

Simon I use the weather entity with the custom weather chart card and display it below my main card like this for hourly firecasts although i dont find it that useful.

Thanks for pointing me to this.

is there a list of the "warning_group_type":"minor"

Nup. Like all of the BoM api’s they aren’t documented as I believe they intend them to only be used by their products.

Yeah, I followed that, though I must have missed something. If I use one variation, I get NaN after about 2 (which your notes talk about). The other gets NaN all the time.

 #ONLY USE ONE bom_today_min below:
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('sensor.today_temp_bom', 'min_value') }}

#      bom_today_min:
#        value_template: >
#          {%- if states('sensor.springfield_lakes_temp_min_0') == 'n/a' -%} 
#            {{ state_attr('sensor.today_temp_bom', 'min_value') }}
#          {% else %}
#            {{ states('sensor.springfield_lakes_temp_min_0') }}
#          {% endif %}

Does this sensor exist? With a min_value attribute? Can you check it has a state and attributes in dev_tools please.

Are you using Average sensor or the Statistics sensor?

I’m using statistics.
That sensor exists, though doesn’t seem to have min attribute.

So your statistics or average isn’t configured correctly. Please post a properly formatted copy of your weather.yaml file

DM sent. Thanks for the assist.

@DavidFW1960, is it possible to use a template from the slot names?
I would like to change them the same way the Bom weather app does, along with the values of course.
The app basically shows the next 2 max/min.
From 6pm to Midnight they have:
Overnight Min
Tomorrow’s Max
From Midnight to have:
From 9am to 6pm they have:
Overnight Min

Personally I like the way that works, since the is not point showing todays forecast minimum during the daytime. Seeing what the next minimum is makes much more sense.

Actually it doesn’t even need to be a template if we can get @BrendanMoran to add a few more entities. The data fetched contains this is the json.

      "now": {
        "is_night": true,
        "now_label": "Min",
        "later_label": "Max",
        "temp_now": 15,
        "temp_later": 23

Hi, apologies in advance if I’m posting in the wrong place but I need some install help with David’s custom card.
Installed with HACS but getting a message when trying to add a card stating “No visual editor available for type custom:bom-weather-card”.
I can’t figure out what I’ve done wrong or missed.
Very grateful if anyone can help.

There is no visual editor for this card, it needs to be configured using yaml.

As per theRat