Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS

You can do that anyway by parsing

            entity_daytime_low: sensor.bom_today_min

change sensor.bom_today_min to sensor.kariong_temp_min_1 in my case.

           entity_daytime_low: sensor.kariong_temp_min_1

I agree about the todays minimum not making sense as such… I use average to sho me what the actual minimum recorded today was. Tomorrows minimum is already shown at the bottom anyway.
I have been thinking about templating though. No clue how to actually DO that but I have been thinking for some time about allowing a slot to be ‘configured’ with an entity, text and an icon. I was thinking about allowing 2… custom1 and custom2… that’s probably doable without too much grief. Thoughts?

Can I please ask what the solution was? I also do not have those attributes and get NaN for min and max.

You havent followed the docs and configured either average or statistics which provide that data

Are there more docs than the readme you are pointing me to? The readme mentions statistics one time and jsut says there is an example in the file which is fine. If we need to do more than choose which to comment out this is not clear.

I followed it months ago and it was working. Today I tried to get rid of the new “no default” errors from a few HA updates ago and updated my weather.yaml based on the one on the repo which contains default values. It actually was configured correctly BTW but the NaN was perhaps due to not enough data points because i now have a max value and no min as expected after 2pm.

BTW the example weather.yaml example has not been updated with the latest statistics sensors in the

I thought I had updated the package as well. It sounds like you are just getting the bom value for the maximum. I suggest you post the whole package you are using and i can see what yiu are missing.

Thanks David & theRat. I’m new to HA and the line in the repo doc “… completely configurable in the UI” threw me but have a working config now. Rapidly coming up to speed with HA. Tackling how the min/max Template evaluation works tomorrow.

I would like to ask, and please advise if I should be making the request as an issue on the repo but I think a slot value to align directly with the BOM’s “rainfall after 9AM” data item would be beneficial.
While the “pop” value is succinct, a casual observer of a dashboard doesn’t realise that the “pop” value is mixing forecast and actual data.

David, your work has made great improvement to the original repo for the card but I was wondering if you had given any thought to offering slots that were generic to enable any text to be formatted for display? [just read your post above, looks like you have been thinking along similar lines]
A slot token “slot_text1” with a corresponding “entity_slot_text1” and potentially a corresponding icon value as well.

Thanks so much for your effort.

It can actually show either actual or forecast depending on your config.

Can you point me to that line in my docs because it’s not correct… although you can just cut paste the yaml into the UI.

I posted almost exactly the same just above. I am quite likely to add this.

Just make sure the integration for average or statistics is configured correctly and the integration sensor(s) and template sensor has real values there. See earlier discussion above about that.

if it shown NaN check you are not using the template that returns the BOM value. Check in dev tools what the statistics/average sensor is showing.

Yeah OK. I just updated the package.

In the (given my limited experience with HA maybe I misunderstood the context of the statement):

Yes indeed. The context is its talking about the custom BOM component not this card.

New major release 1.00 with a small breaking change

Latest Changes Version 1.00

This is a major release with some significant changes and a small breaking change.

Things that have been altered:
Fix Lit import to gest HA Cast to work
Changed to have equal width slots
Fix Temp Next/Following updates
Adds temp_next and temp_following slots (Lates BOM integration provides these. You can use this instead of the daytime_high and Low slots if you want to.)
Fix various decimal digits display
Fix various locale number display
Fix sunrise.sunset icons not updating
Error checks for defined but unused entities (whch was generating console errors.)

New Flags:
show_decimals_today was previously defaulting to true but is now false by default so add this flag if you want decimals.
Also added is 2 custom slots. Define an entity for the value and define a unit and icon.

show_decimals_today false / true Sets card to render todays min and max temperatures to 1 decimal place.
show_decimals_pressure 0 / 1, 2, 3 Sets card to render pressure with specified decimal places.
pressure_units string / null Override the unit displayed for pressure
custom1_icon mdi:help-box / mdi icon Sets the icon to use for slot custom1
custom1_value unknown / sensor Sets the sensor to use for the value of slot custom1
custom1_units “” / string Sets the string to use for the units of slot custom1
custom2_icon mdi:help-box / mdi icon Sets the icon to use for slot custom2
custom2_value unknown / sensor Sets the sensor to use for the value of slot custom2
custom2_units “” / string Sets the string to use for the units of slot custom2


No issues after update here. Thanks David.

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Simon did all the hard work for this release. I meant to include that in the file. I will fix this before I release it.

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this looks like what I am after ,

is it possible to get all 8 days of weather forecasts ?
looks like everyone’s just doing the 5 days ?
trying to collect all the rain fall data I can
to predict how I should be using the water collected , no point in topping up water when your about to cop a foot of rain and flood everything

Look at the Official BoM weather forecast for your location. Does it supply 8 days of forecasts?

The BoM integrations has senors for all 8 days, although the last one is empty for some of the time. Basically there are the components for BoM weather.
The BoM integration - creates sensors to gather data
The Weather Card - which displays whatever sensors you want to use (don’t have to be from the Bom) this thread is mostly for discussing that
The BoM Radar card - Just displays animations of radar images (there are no sensors or any backend data).

It’s actually better to just look at as that uses the same api as the bom integration.

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We’re goin to add an extra flag

Make_my_card_ugly: true

As I have had a couple of complaints about the right hand column now being left justified. Seems no matter what you do (or change) you upset someone.

For 8 days these will be in the integration and you will see the data in dev-tools. Often the last day will disappear but you can use whatever templates you want to work out the rainfall for 8 days and do some predictions. I don’t anticipate adding extra days on the card for this. I have long said any forecast more than 2 days out is voodoo.

Thanks again to @theRat Simon who has done a great job with these recent changes.


This will be false by default I hope?

Yeah it will be false. It will probably have a different name too… Probably use_old_column_format

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