Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS

Adding a slot type for actual rain is pretty straight forward. @DavidFW1960 I will send through a PR for it either later today or early tomorrow.

btw. I fully agree that combining forecast and actual values is nonsensical. They are also for different locations (forecast is for your real location while the actual comes from a nearby weather station.

Enhancement is done, I am just testing before I send through to @DavidFW1960.

Awesome - Thanks @theRat !!

It is tested and I have submitted the PR. I expect @DavidFW1960 will merge and do a pre-release when he has time.
To use it you will need to add a new line to your config:

entity_rain_today: sensor.location_rain_since_9am

Update the right hand side of that to use the correct sensor of course, and then set the slot value to rainfall

Also much appreciated that you requested this on a rainy day, it made it so much quicker to test :slight_smile:

@DavidFW1960 has done the release. Check it out and let us know if you are happy.

Thanks so much @theRat and @DavidFW1960 !
Looks good to me. Although unfortunately Adelaide has 0mm forecast and actual at the moment. The waiting game begins…

Seems to be working here.

Ignore all the config error stuff. This is my test card that I have been using to check what happens when I misconfigure everything.

Hi David! Congratulations on the post! I have a doubt! would you be able to help me! how can i create the sensor : sensor.bom_gosford_icon_0 …sensor.bom_gosford_icon_1 … etc? in my entities it does not appear! thanks

all the entities are created by the BOM integration in my case. If you’re not in Australia your weather integration needs to provide them or template sensors to manipulate the weather entity. Gosford will normally be replaced with your locality. whatever BOM provides

I live in Brazil! but I have my own weather station integrated into wundergound and my home assistant! Only the entity that it expels is not a text and a large image, but no card appears! what could I do? thanks for listeningcard station

You should have a condition like sunny cloudy etc and can pass that entity so it will select an icon to display. Also for the config error - select a different slot type that you have data for

yes, I have an entity that expels a text and an image. however I replaced the result was this! the image does not appear on the card!

you can only pass an entity that has text as the state. no images.

Yes! I use an entity that ejects text only!
that this:

And that entity is the result of the template:

ok so the entity parsed to the card entity_forecast_icon_1 should be that text entity. The condition needs to be one of the preset conditions in the card listed here: (from line 523 in the js file

      'sunny': sunny_icon,
      'clear': clear_icon,
      'mostly-sunny': mostly_sunny_icon,
      'partly-cloudy': partly_cloudy_icon,
      'mostly_sunny': mostly_sunny_icon,
      'partly_cloudy': partly_cloudy_icon,
      'partlycloudy': partly_cloudy_icon,
      'cloudy': cloudy_icon,
      'hazy': hazy_icon,
      'hazey': hazy_icon,
      'haze': hazy_icon,
      'frost': frost_icon,
      'light-rain': light_rain_icon,
      'light_rain': light_rain_icon,
      'wind': windy_icon,
      'windy': windy_icon,
      'fog': fog_icon,
      'foggy': fog_icon,
      'showers': showers_icon,
      'shower': showers_icon,
      'rain': rain_icon,
      'rainy': rain_icon,
      'dust': dust_icon,
      'dusty': dust_icon,
      'snow': snow_icon,
      'snowy': snow_icon,
      'snowy-rainy': snow_rain_icon,
      'snowy_rainy': snow_rain_icon,
      'snowyrainy': snow_rain_icon,
      'storm': storm_icon,
      'stormy': storm_icon,
      'light-showers': light_showers_icon,
      'light-shower': light_showers_icon,
      'heavy-showers': heavy_showers_icon,
      'heavy-shower': heavy_showers_icon,
      'light_showers': light_showers_icon,
      'light_shower': light_showers_icon,
      'heavy_showers': heavy_showers_icon,
      'heavy_shower': heavy_showers_icon,
      'pouring': heavy_showers_icon,
      'tropical-cyclone': cyclone_icon,
      'tropical_cyclone': cyclone_icon,
      'tropicalcyclone': cyclone_icon,
      'clear-day': clear_day_icon,
      'clear-night': clear_night_icon,
      'clear_day': clear_day_icon,
      'clear_night': clear_night_icon,
      'sleet': sleet_icon,
      'partly-cloudy-day': partly_cloudy_day_icon,
      'partly-cloudy-night': partly_cloudy_night_icon,
      'partly_cloudy_day': partly_cloudy_day_icon,
      'partly_cloudy_night': partly_cloudy_night_icon,
      'hail': hail_icon,
      'lightning': lightning_icon,
      'lightning-rainy': lightning_icon,
      'lightning_rainy': lightning_icon,
      'thunderstorm': lightning_icon,
      'windy-variant': windy_variant_icon,
      'windy_variant': windy_variant_icon,
      'exceptional': '!!',

You also need to have installed the icons

Is the location of the js file right?
should i change something there? I already have these icons in the folders!

the js file is not the dark sky one you are referencing. This card is a fork or that from some 3 years ago. If you installed in HACS it will be here:

in bom-weather-card. I am only showing the conditions above as that tells you what the valid condisions are. If the entity passes a valid condition the js will use an appropriate icon for that condition
As long as the entities you are passing through exist/are valid you should see an icon on the card for them.

So I installed the wrong integration! which github of the current one?

from your earlier post (showing config error) it looks like right one installed.
Link is in first post

right? but where to change?