Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS

Dont change the js at all just make sure your entity has a state that will map to an icon in the js

For those using the Bureau_of_Meteorology integration there is now a pre-release (1.1.8b) available that fixes the integration failing when no internet is available as well as adding a new (optional) warning sensor (you will need to remove the integration and re-add it to enable). Thanks to @glenn20 for doing the work on this.

I get it, my friend! But itā€™s already correct! The good_forecast_0 entity is already coming out with the correct image! However, when you put it on the card it doesnā€™t appear the image on the card! Why is that? My question is how to create the icon entity!

Is it possible to add a re-configure option to the config flow?

There are other integrations with this option. It puts a ā€œConfigureā€ button on the integration card.

This is an integration with a lot of settings to remember, it always worries me when I have to remove and re-add it.

It looks like it is easy to do when you have simple options (ie. just display a single form), but for a multi step config flow I havenā€™t been able to figure out how it is meant to work.
I have been trying to find some other integration that does that, but none of the ones I use have a multi-step setup. Do you know of any integrations that do that? If I can find one I can look at its source to figure it out.

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Iā€™ve just been through all the integrations with the ā€œConfigureā€ option I have. Pretty sure none of them use multi step config flows.

I may have found an example, trying to break my HA good and proper now.

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Yep that worked :frowning:

At least home assistant is still running :slight_smile:

That was a bonus, it gave me a scare though as one restart took about 5 minutes.
I didnā€™t have any luck figuring it out and gave up for now.

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Hey all. @DavidFW1960 and I are working towards a major rewrite/cleanup of this card. One of the main goals is to provide a completely graphical configuration so you donā€™t need to edit reams of yaml. It is still a work in progress, but so far the top part and slots are coming along. As of right now this is what the dev version of the card looks like.
And the config editing screen. This will be changing to use a multipage setup as we need more space for other options.

The overall intention is that everyones config will continue to work. There are some undocumented options that I would like to remove to clean up the code a lot. The options all of the form alt-*: some_entity. We need to know if anyone is actually using these. They are only implemented for some of the slots and the code for them is a dogs breakfast. If no one responds saying they use them I will be getting rid of them. As I said they are not documented anywhere (that I have looked) so I expect they arenā€™t being used.


Today a bunch of progress was made on getting the graphical config working in what I hope is a sensible way. You can now show/hide different parts of the card. It is currently still only done from the top to the slots part (forecast section tomorrow maybe).
If anyone is interested in being an alpha tester please comment or contact us. In particular I am keen to get feedback from anyone that uses any weird settings in the current card, is pedantic about the look of the card, or has feature requests/enhancements they would like to see.
For those interested in helping we have a repo on github that you can add as a custom repository in HACS.


Id like to encourage anyone using this card to join the alpha for the new one. Its going to be awesome and we would really appreciate feedback


Yay I can post again. I got blocked for being to keen!
So now for some updates.
For the aussies here the bom integration v1.1.8 has been released. There have been no changes made to the beta.
As @DavidFW1960 said we are really keen to get some people involved in testing the new card. We are adding a lot of new options (and hopefully getting rid of some that we feel are deprecated, tell us if we are wrong).
There are so many new options. You can decide to show/hide any section, we have added a title section, forecasts can now be shown vertically. Lots of new options. Here is an image of what the vertical layout looks like at present (still a work in progress), but feedback now will help guide the progress.

Tell us what you like/hate. We understand that everyone has their own feelings of what their own weather should like. With this new card we are looking to build on the knowledge learnt from the previous version and take it to a new level.

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Is the new card specific to BOM, or will it be generic?

It will be generic (as I understand it) but you will need some specific sensor entity_ids, e.g. for the forecast days the min, max and rain sensors will be required to end in _1, _2, _3 etc for the next n days forecast at the bottom of the card.

Currently, @BenCranston and I have the existing card working pretty well with the NWS integration. It still has a boatload of YAML feeding it (~300 lines). NWS has itā€™s own quirks that need to be accommodated, but Iā€™d like to take a look at the new version to get an idea where itā€™s going. The timing might be right for what Ben has in mind.

Our plan and design criteria is that it will work with any current config. It will also continue to work with YAML but has a GUI config as well. The GUI config will make certain assumptions regarding dy numbers so you only configure the first day. There will also be a lot of new features, more slots, the ability to have 7 days forecasts, a vertical layout if you donā€™t like horizontal for the forecasts and summare data for those days as well in vertical mode.


The development version of the card is here

You can add that as a custom repo in HACS too so you will get updates.

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@pocket The summaries and info from @DavidFW1960 and @tom_l is accurate. I wanted to add some new features to the existing card, but parts of it werenā€™t particularly well written and to add the graphical config it really needed to be converted from javascript to typescript. So after some discussion I decided to start a rewrite utilising the knowledge of the existing card, mostly contributed by David.
If you do install the card from the repo David posted feel free to create issues. There are generic templates there, but at the moment I donā€™t care if you skip those. Issue #1 is a summary of things that I know we need to do before the card is considered ready. We also have a group chat that we can add people to that just want to discuss requirements, features etc. It would be good to have some non-aussies providing a different perspective.