Customizable colors for entity statuses

I suffer of a mild color-blindness, and for many of my entities, the on and off status are shown using colors that are very similar for my eyes.


It would be great if we could select, globally and in an easy way, the colors used to represent the different statuses of the sensors.

  1. What you are using is a custom history-explorer-card (HEC) incorporated into more-info. Check if a standard (untouched) more-info gives you better colors.
  2. The HEC allows to set custom colors (though I do not remember exactly if it is allowed per-domain, per-device_class). Also, not sure if it is possible for HEC in more-info.
  3. Check this, might be useful - you can define custom colors for some domains & some device_classes in a custom theme.

The shown colors are the same without the history-explorer-card.

Maybe the colors are customizable from the yaml files, but this is precisely what I think should be customizable from the UI itself.

But maybe this wouldn’t be needed if the default colors, specially in states for binary sensors, should be radically different for “on”, “off”, “unknown” and “undefined” statuses. I honestly consider that having a green color and a red color for on and off statuses (specially the selected colors, with a similar brightness and a green that is more yellowish than blueish) is totally wrong from an accessibility-aware POV.

This is a binary sensor if some device class, right? (this is an English community so I would suggest you to always post screenshots in English).
If yes - then default color cannot be green. Currently colors are like “grey, yellow, red” for binary sensors.
That is why I speculated that this color is will be different in a stock history-card.

These colors can be customized in a theme.
There is no UI for defining a theme.

To conclude:

  1. Re-check with a default theme and a default history graph.
  2. If you need a possibility to define themes in UI - there is a corresponding WTH for it.