Customization of Home Assistant plugin in Stream Deck

Before we begin: For the purpose of this guide assume the following:
A- On your PC where Stream Deck is installed you have a “D:” drive. I’m using “D:” in this tutorial because files cannot be added to “C:” drive in Windows 11 in a simple way. (when you implement the guide, change the path and driver letter according to your needs)
B- The file name we’ll work with will be called “custom”. (when you implement the guide you can use any name you like)
In addition, you’ll have to have some prior knowledge of how to work with Home Assistant configuration files. You can watch some videos or read other guides for that.


  1. Create a file in your “D:” drive and name it “custom.yml

  2. Copy all the text displayed in the “Reference” link below and paste it into custom.yml. This is the default configuration for Stream Deck Home Assistant plugin as provided by the developer.


  1. Edit any part of the pasted text according to your desires and save your changes. For this you have to know how yaml works in Home Assistant.

  2. In Stream Deck Home Assistant buttons there’s a field captioned “Custom display configuration URL”; in that field paste this “file://d:/custom.yml”

  3. Don’t forget to change the path and file name (the part in italics in step 4 above) to your actual configuration.

  4. Click “Save and reconnect” and you’re done!!