Customize Climate entity in Entities Card

I’ve a lot of KNX climate entities that I’m displaying using the Entites card. I would love to highlight the entities that have a specific state based on another sensor. How can I do it?

    - name: zona1
      temperature_address: "0/0/2"
      target_temperature_state_address: "0/0/1"
      operation_mode_state_address: "0/0/4"
      operation_mode_address: "0/0/5"
    - name: HencoZona1.Uscita
      state_address: "0/0/100"

What does HencoZona1.Uscita signal?
What is the state you want to highlight and how do you imagine this highlighting to look?

HencoZona1.Uscita is indicating that the zone is active. I was thinking to have a icon with a different color, or the text with a different color.
Thank you for your help!

You could configure it as active_state_address for your climate entities. This would mark them “idle” when it is 0

Or as on_off_state_address. Just try out both and stick to what fits your needs best.

@farmio : do you know if there is a standard way to change the confusing labels between the presets modes. (e.g the Auto preset is mapped to PRESET_NONE )
Another question: my heat_cool_address is reversed (heat=0, cool=1). Any way to change it?

Not that I know of. These are JA defined constants so it would probably need changes to core. PRESET_NONE was chosen because of a lack of a better fit. But for every (mostly heating) knx device I have seen “auto” isn’t used or even implemented anyway.

In the Knx soecifications DPT 1.100 defines that 0=cool. If you can I’d change the actuator settings to obey the specifications to avoid this problem in other cases as well.
If you can’t / don’t want to change it just create a simple binary NOT logic sending correct DPT 1.100 to a different GA and use that. You can do this knx native or in HA - whatever you like.

You are right, heat as 0 is not standard. I think the problem is that my HVAC is implemented in a different way. I can set heat/cool for the home. Each climate device in each room can be used to set the mode (auto, conformt. economy) and to set the temperature for that mode. Tha’s way I’m also unable to set the temperature using the climate entity, because I have actually for different addresses that I have to use, based on the combination between heat-cool and economy-comfort.
Probably I should go for a custom component …

If I understood correctly you can change target temperatures of non-active preset-modes and op-modes with individual group addresses?

I really don’t know much about cards or frontend et all , but maybe you can create knx climate entities for all variations and template the used entity_id based on current active preset-op-mode state.

Yes, exactly. I’ve four setpoints (cool-comfort, cool-economy, heat-comfort, heat-economy).

Do you have example on ho to do it in HA?

Try to create a state based template sensor negating the state from KNX (eg. from a binary_sensor reading your inverse heat/cool state) and use knx expose to send it back to the bus.