Customize custom updater sensors: impossible?


Using @ludeeus great custom updater I run into an issue Ive never met before: sensors that cant be customized…
Ive had a little chat with @ludeeus on the subject, Needed: overview for custom_updater... how to/instructions · Issue #22 · custom-components/custom_updater · GitHub but didn’t yet follow it up, since it was about another issue, and thought it best to check here on the forum for related experience on that particular issue.

could it be related to this?

Must say I’ve never ran into this kind of trouble yet, and I’ve got literally 0 entities that aren’t customized…

I’ve tried this in all its variations

 # icon: mdi:cloud-search
  friendly_name: Custom card tracker
    icon: >
      if (state === '0') return 'mdi:cloud-search';
      return 'mdi:cloud-upload';
    icon_color: >
      if (state === '0') return 'grey';
      return 'rgb(251, 210, 41)';

with and without |int and quotes for the numbers, but that is apparently not the issue. I can template in the dev-template and get a False/True on {{ states('sensor.custom_component_tracker')|int > 0 }} but thats not useful in the customization.

I could probably create a template sensor on the sensor itself, but thats should really be necessary.

Even tried to ad the customization in the python like this:

self.hass.states.set('sensor.custom_component_tracker', information[1],
                             information[0], {
    'friendly_name': 'Custom component tracker',
    'icon': 'mdi:cloud-search,
    'icon_color': 'grey' ,
    'show_last_changed': 'true'
     } )

nothing works
Please have a look ?
